shouya / rss-funnel

Self-hosted RSS multi-tool
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Filters for common use patterns #118

Open shouya opened 2 months ago

shouya commented 2 months ago

Previously, I only add filter when a reasonable feature is not possible to accomplish. Later from the feedback I decided some filters are good to have if they simplify a common usage pattern. One of such example is the addition of limit filter, which simply limits the number of posts, although already covered using the js filters.

I have several ideas on what to add:

tillcash commented 1 month ago


A feature to use a lighter version of YouTube embeds, similar to lite-youtube-embed? You can find more details in this article: YouTube Embeds Are Bananas Heavy, and It's Fixable.

shouya commented 1 month ago

@tillcash unfortunately the lighter youtube embeds feature is not something rss-funnel can implement.

The main reason is that the youtube feed entries are not provided as a html snippet with an <embed> which we can manipulate. You can preview youtube on your feed reader because the feed reader recognizes that the entry is a youtube video and shows an embedded video player.

Here is an example youtube feed entry in case you're curious:

  <title>How Cheap Cigars Legitimized Quantum Mechanics</title>
  <link rel="alternate" href=""/>
   <media:title>How Cheap Cigars Legitimized Quantum Mechanics</media:title>
   <media:thumbnail url="" width="480" height="360"/>
   <media:description>The Stern-Gerlach Experiment in lauded in textbooks around the world for its contributions to the world of quantum physics. But for a few years, scientists unknowingly praised it for proving the wrong thing! Because instead of proving an established hypothesis about how electrons work, it had actually discovered an entirely unexpected phenomenon (called spin).</media:description>
    <media:starRating count="6063" average="5.00" min="1" max="5"/>
    <media:statistics views="133055"/>