shovel-org / Windows-Sysinternals-Bucket

Shovel bucket containing all Sysinternals tools as separate manifests.
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Inspect what `/accepteula` parameter set #4

Closed Ash258 closed 4 years ago

Ash258 commented 5 years ago

Execution with accepteula could be runed only once. Other executions do no need it. No need to provide it on each execution (at least on single instance of powershell / system)

Find some file, registry, whatever they set.

Test if single execution with accepteula will be kept after shell / system restart. (best in docker)

rasa commented 5 years ago says one reg entry avoids having to include /accepteula, but wouldn’t we want to include it every time, as not everyone can/wants to write to their registry?

Ash258 commented 5 years ago

not everyone can write to their registry

It is Current User hive. Everyone can edit these registry keys without elevation.


not everyone wants to write to their registry

This values will be written on first startup all the time. I do not see problem with adding it manually.

Main reason is manifest ergonomics. It is much more cleaner to add post_install block with New-ItemProperty HKCU:\Software\Sysinternals\$ManifestName -Name EulaAccepted -Value 1 -Type DWord -Force | Out-Null instead of multiple bins / shortcuts with 3 values.