[ ] Write a program to find the larger one from two given numbers.
[ ] Write a program that will take 3 numbers as input and print either an "all 3 equal" or a "not all equal" message.
[ ] Write a program to find a given number is greater than 100 and less than 250 and divisible by 7.
[ ] Write a program to find a given number is greater than 200 or less than 100 or divisible by 7.
[ ] Write a program to find a given number is positive or negative.
[ ] Input the length of the side of a square and print its area. Produce an error message if the length is negative. (i.e. validation)
[ ] Write a program to convert a positive number to a negative and a negative number to a positive.
[ ] Write a program to check a number whether it is odd or even.
[ ] Write a program to find the maximum number from three given numbers.
[ ] Write a program to find the minimum number from three given numbers.
[ ] Write a program that will print the grade letter for a given mark. (90-100: A, 80-89.99: B, 70-70.99: C, 60-60.99: D, <60: F)
[ ] Write a program to find a given character that is vowel or consonant.
[ ] Write a program that takes a character as input and outputs the ASCII value of that character.
[ ] Write a program to find a given character is in uppercase or lowercase.
[ ] Write a program that can take an English letter as input. If the letter is between ‘A'-'Z' convert it to lowercase. If the character is between 'a'-'z' convert it to uppercase. Print the letter after conversion
Your submission should contain the following files
Read the following tutorials carefully and solve the below problems.
Your submission should contain the following files