showandtellinar / LOLPAGE

Files for the LoL website. Would appreciate anyones help who knows how to do procfile
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Heroku Help #1

Open jhleath opened 9 years ago

jhleath commented 9 years ago

I think you need to run:

heroku ps:scale web=1

Also, ensure that you are running the server on the port specified by the environmental variable PORT so that you can access it through Heroku.

jhleath commented 9 years ago

So, I fixed some merge conflicts in, fixed your dependencies in reqiurements.txt, and updated your main flask file to run on an external interface on the port for Heroku.

Now, it appears that it will not run on Heroku because of regular errors in the codebase. Namely, it is looking for some file data/champions/all_history.json that doesn't exist. If you can figure out why that makes it crash, then you should be golden to upload to Heroku.

The crash occurs in on line 146 in the body of loadAllHistory().

Note: I added the data/ directory to the .gitignore file, so whatever you put in there will not be uploaded to Heroku. If you want to change that, remove the line in .gitignore that says data/.