showlab / CLVQA

[AAAI2023] Symbolic Replay: Scene Graph as Prompt for Continual Learning on VQA Task (Oral)
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links to checkpoint for all the rest of the tasks #5

Open Deepayan137 opened 1 month ago

Deepayan137 commented 1 month ago


I am reaching out to inquire if it might be possible to share the final checkpoints after each specific task within the sequence. Specifically, for the task order abbreviated as 'oarlks', could the checkpoints be made available after the fine-tuning stages of each task—object, attribute, relation, logic, and knowledge? Access to these checkpoints would be extremely valuable for my ongoing research and development work.

Thank you for considering this request. I look forward to your response.

Best regards,

StanLei52 commented 1 month ago

Hi, thank you for your interest. I have uploaded all the checkpoints for oarlks to release. Specifically: o.ckpt, a.ckpt, r.ckpt, l.ckpt, k.ckpt and s.ckpt.

Since there are a lot of ckpts saved during experiments due to different task orders, if you need a specific order, feel free to specify the setting via issue or config the experiment setting to exec the code.

Deepayan137 commented 1 month ago

Thank you so much for your prompt reply. This will be very helpful in my work.

Deepayan137 commented 2 weeks ago

Hello authors,

Can you please share the final checkpoints after each specific task for the sequences 'roslak' and 'lkosra '? We are comparing our method on these two sequences and it would be great if we could have the checkpoints to obtain the accuracy after each task.


StanLei52 commented 2 weeks ago

Hi, I've uploaded the checkpoints to the release of this repo. Note that the ckpt of the first task is ended with "standalone", and the rest you may find the task order in the file name.