showlab / DatasetDM

[NeurIPS2023] DatasetDM:Synthesizing Data with Perception Annotations Using Diffusion Models
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question about coco dataset code #15

Closed w-yibo closed 8 months ago

w-yibo commented 8 months ago

Thanks for your great job. I have question about f_classes.append(1) in dataset/ 519 line. Why there is not f_classes.append(classe)?

        f_classes = []
        masks = []
        for idx,(classe, segm) in enumerate(zip(classes,segms)):
            poly_mask = polygons_to_bitmask(segm, *image.shape[:2])
            if poly_mask.sum()<500:
#                 if classe!=class_id:
#                     continue
#             if len(f_classes)>0:
#                 break
weijiawu commented 8 months ago

Thank you for your attention. Currently, our work only supports category-agnostic instance segmentation data augmentation, as reflected in the experimental results on COCO, where metrics are category-agnostic. We have provided details in the Implementation section. Experiments involving category-specific augmentation seem to yield unsatisfactory results.

w-yibo commented 8 months ago

Thank you for your attention. Currently, our work only supports category-agnostic instance segmentation data augmentation, as reflected in the experimental results on COCO, where metrics are category-agnostic. We have provided details in the Implementation section. Experiments involving category-specific augmentation seem to yield unsatisfactory results.

Thank you for your attention. Currently, our work only supports category-agnostic instance segmentation data augmentation, as reflected in the experimental results on COCO, where metrics are category-agnostic. We have provided details in the Implementation section. Experiments involving category-specific augmentation seem to yield unsatisfactory results.

thanks for your reply and your open-source work.