showlab / Tune-A-Video

[ICCV 2023] Tune-A-Video: One-Shot Tuning of Image Diffusion Models for Text-to-Video Generation
Apache License 2.0
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ValueError: Less than two GPU ids were configured and tried to run on on multiple GPUs. Please ensure at least two are specified for `--gpu_ids`, or use `--gpu_ids='all'`. #96

Closed marti844 closed 2 months ago

marti844 commented 2 months ago

I got the problem when I start to train the model by accelerate launch --config="configs/man-skiing.yaml". My man-skiing.yaml file is below:

pretrained_model_path: "./checkpoints/stable-diffusion-v1-4"
output_dir: "./outputs/man-skiing"

  video_path: "data/man-skiing.mp4"
  prompt: "a man is skiing"
  n_sample_frames: 24
  width: 512
  height: 512
  sample_start_idx: 0
  sample_frame_rate: 2

    - "mickey mouse is skiing on the snow"
    - "spider man is skiing on the beach, cartoon style"
    - "wonder woman, wearing a cowboy hat, is skiing"
    - "a man, wearing pink clothes, is skiing at sunset"
  video_length: 24
  width: 512
  height: 512
  num_inference_steps: 50
  guidance_scale: 12.5
  use_inv_latent: True
  num_inv_steps: 50

learning_rate: 3e-5
train_batch_size: 1
max_train_steps: 500
checkpointing_steps: 1000
validation_steps: 100
  - "attn1.to_q"
  - "attn2.to_q"
  - "attn_temp"

seed: 33
mixed_precision: fp16
use_8bit_adam: False
gradient_checkpointing: True
enable_xformers_memory_efficient_attention: False
gpu_ids: all

I havn't install the xformers, what's the problem?