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用swift开发ios程序 #47

Open shownb opened 4 years ago

shownb commented 4 years ago

笔记 1,ios是面向对象编程,一定要熟悉面向对象。一切皆对象 2,ui面的组件继承自control,control又继承自view 感觉像button属于form标签内,form标签又属于某个div,div属于html标签的感觉。

引用本地的package 1, Drag the package folder which contains the Package.swift into your Xcode project 2, 点项目->targets->build phases-> "Link Binary with Libraries" 的+号, locate the package in the modal dialog, select the gray library icon inside the package, and add this one. 3, Build your Xcode project and move on to your next interesting task