shramov / leaflet-plugins

Plugins for Leaflet library
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Replacing marker pans map because of KML #262

Open davor77 opened 7 years ago

davor77 commented 7 years ago

Hi, I have a group of markers

var markers = new L.FeatureGroup(); 

and i add few markers into that group

while something{
    var LeafIcon = L.Icon.extend({
        options: {
            iconAnchor:   [14, 33],
            popupAnchor:  [0, -33]
       var pin = new LeafIcon({iconUrl: '../Images/Pinovi/test.png'});
      var singleMarker = L.marker(
            [lati, longi], 
            {icon: pin, myCustomId: i, myLink: link})
            .bindPopup(L.popup({maxWidth : 'auto', autoClose:false, closeButton:false})
            .on("click", function(e) {
            .on("mouseover", function(e) {

then i get bounds of them and fit map acording to it

var bounds = markers.getBounds();

every time i try to replace existing marker with new one map pans (if i manualy leave them initial bounds) because of

    var KmlLayer = new L.KML(kmlfile, {async: true});

Please let me know if there is a fix for this or i am doing something wrong.

Thank you

brunob commented 7 years ago

Added code blocks for better readability, can you provide a fiddle showing your bug please cause there's no mention of fitbounds in kml script ?

davor77 commented 7 years ago

i created fiddle

all looks fine

problem does not apear on my fiddle but its down to this
