shravan20 / flare.ts

A powerful utility library for clean code in js (npm package)
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feat: Streamlining npm Package Publish Workflow #22

Open shravan20 opened 11 months ago

shravan20 commented 11 months ago


As a developer working on a project with multiple collaborators and frequent updates, streamlining the workflow for publishing npm packages is crucial to ensure efficient code delivery and updates to end-users. The current manual process of publishing npm packages involves multiple steps and is prone to errors, leading to delays in releasing updates.

Use Case Scenario:

Imagine a team of developers working on a web application that relies on several internal npm packages for various functionalities (e.g., authentication, data handling, UI components). With multiple packages to manage and update, the process of publishing a new version of each package is time-consuming and error-prone.

The team needs a seamless and automated workflow that allows them to:

Proposed Solution:

Github Action workflow

Workflow Configuration:

Configure the workflow to listen for changes in the repository, triggering the npm package publishing process when a new version is ready to be released. Utilize hooks to automatically bump version numbers, run tests, update documentation, generate changelogs, and notify relevant stakeholders. Integrate with popular CI/CD tools such as GitHub Actions, GitLab CI, or Jenkins to seamlessly incorporate the npm package publish workflow into the existing development pipeline. Potential Benefits: