shravan20 / fosstrak-india

FOSSTrak: Track FOSS events in India
MIT License
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feat: Add documentation on how to add new events for preview #11

Open shravan20 opened 2 months ago

shravan20 commented 2 months ago

FOSSTrak Feature Request: Document Contribution Process for Adding Events


This feature request proposes adding documentation to the FOSSTrak project detailing 
the process for contributing events to the repository. The documentation will include 
step-by-step instructions on forking the repository, cloning it, adding event information 
in JSON format, committing changes, and creating a pull request (PR). This documentation 
will enhance accessibility for contributors and foster community engagement. 

Thank you for considering this enhancement to the project documentation!

Feature Description

Add documentation detailing the contribution process for adding events to the repository using a specific JSON format.

Use Case

Users who want to contribute events to the repository need clear instructions on how to format and submit event information.

Proposed Solution

Create a new section in the project documentation outlining the step-by-step process for contributing events:

Alternatives Considered

We considered providing a video tutorial or conducting live workshops, but a written guide in the documentation is more accessible and scalable.


The documentation update depends on having a clear understanding of the JSON format required for event submissions.

Here is the sample format for reference:

    "name": "Test Event 2024",
    "shortName": "TE'24",
    "shortDescription": "This is a simple One liner Description Test event",
    "description": "Description Test event",
    "imageUrl": ",f_auto,w_400/",
    "startDate": null,
    "endDate": null,
    "website": "",
    "location": {
      "title": "Saibeen Complex, Mangalore",
      "lat": "12.26",
      "lng": "122.24"
    "type": "Free",
    "presentationForm": "ONLINE",
    "registrationLink": "",
    "mainOrganisers": [],
    "hashTags": [],
    "bannerLink": [
        "link": "",
        "isActive": true,
        "isMain": true
    "socialAccounts": [
        "type": "MASTODON",
        "identified": ""