shravan20 / fosstrak-india

FOSSTrak: Track FOSS events in India
MIT License
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feat: Add "Made with Love for FOSS in India" Footer #12

Open shravan20 opened 2 months ago

shravan20 commented 2 months ago
This feature request proposes integrating a simple footer into the 
FOSSTrak application that displays the text "Made with Love for FOSS in India". This 
footer will serve as a meaningful acknowledgment of our commitment to the Free and 
Open Source Software (FOSS) community in India. The implementation will involve 
adding a static footer to the application's user interface, contributing to the project's
 mission of promoting FOSS initiatives within the region. 

Thank you for considering this enhancement to the FOSSTrak application!

Feature Description

Add a simple footer to the FOSSTrak application displaying the message "Made with Love for FOSS in India".

Use Case

This footer will serve as a heartfelt acknowledgment of the project's commitment to the Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) community in India.

Proposed Solution

Integrate a static footer at the bottom of the FOSSTrak application's user interface, displaying the text "Made with Love for FOSS in India".

Alternatives Considered

We considered customizing the footer with additional design elements or incorporating regional symbols, but opted for a straightforward text-based approach for simplicity and clarity.


This feature request has minimal dependencies and can be implemented independently of other ongoing developments within the application.

Additional Context

The addition of this footer aligns with our mission to promote FOSS initiatives in India and reinforces our dedication to the local developer community.

evnxprk commented 2 months ago


if no one has taken this issue, I would like to be assigned this issue. Thank you for your swift response.

shravan20 commented 2 months ago

@evnxprk : yes, feel free to pick this up. Assigning the task to you.

evnxprk commented 2 months ago

Besides the message, is there anything else that you would like to include in the footer?