shravan20 / fosstrak-india

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feat: Containerization of React app #14

Open shravan20 opened 2 months ago

shravan20 commented 2 months ago
TLDR; Dockerization of the FOSSTrak application will modernize the
 deployment process, improve development efficiency, and enhance 
the application's scalability and portability. This feature request aims 
to leverage containerization technology to optimize the application's 
lifecycle management and support DevOps best practices within the 

Feature Description

Implement Dockerization for the FOSSTrak application to improve deployment, scalability, and portability.

Use Case

Dockerization will enable the application to be packaged into lightweight, portable containers, facilitating consistent deployment across different environments (development, testing, production). This will streamline the setup process for new developers and ensure consistent behavior of the application across various platforms.

Proposed Solution

  1. Dockerfile Creation: Develop a Dockerfile to define the environment and dependencies required for running the FOSSTrak application.
  2. Containerization of Services: Containerize the application services (e.g., backend server, frontend client) into separate Docker containers, ensuring modularity and encapsulation.
  3. Configuration Management: Utilize Docker Compose to manage multiple container services and their configurations, simplifying the deployment process.
  4. Environment Variables: Implement environment variables within Docker containers to enable configurable behavior based on deployment environments.
  5. Integration with CI/CD Pipeline: Integrate Dockerization into the continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline to automate build, test, and deployment processes.
  6. Documentation and Guidelines: Provide comprehensive documentation and guidelines for developers on how to use Docker for local development and deployment.
dinkycodes22 commented 2 months ago

I am picking this task

shravan20 commented 2 months ago

@dinkycodes22: Awesome, assigning this to you! 🔥