shrdlu68 / cl-tls

An implementation of TLS and related specifications in Common Lisp
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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ironclad::|sha256-regs-a| when loading from quicklisp #7

Open Gavinok opened 1 year ago

Gavinok commented 1 year ago

Implementation: sbcl

Steps to reproduce: (ql:quickload "cl-tls")

Backtrace: 0: ("undefined function" #(1779033703 3144134277 1013904242 2773480762 1359893119 2600822924 ...)) 1: (ironclad::update-sha256-block # #) 2: (ironclad::mdx-updater #S(ironclad:sha256 :amount 32 :buffer #(0 0 0 0 0 0 ...) :buffer-index 32 :regs #(1779033703 3144134277 1013904242 2773480762 1359893119 2600822924 ...) :block #(0 0 0 0 0 0 ..... 3: ((sb-pcl::emf ironclad:update-digest) # # #S(ironclad:sha256 :amount 32 :buffer #(0 0 0 0 0 0 ...) :buffer-index 32 :regs #(1779033703 3144134277 1013904242 277348076.. 4: ((:method ironclad:prng-reseed (t ironclad:fortuna-generator)) #(239 187 46 22 44 160 ...) #<ironclad:fortuna-generator {100592CED3}>) [fast-method] 5: ((:method ironclad:prng-reseed (t ironclad:fortuna-prng)) #(239 187 46 22 44 160 ...) #<ironclad:fortuna-prng {1005929093}>) [fast-method] 6: ((:method ironclad:make-prng :around (t)) :fortuna :seed :urandom) [fast-method] 7: ((lambda (sb-pcl::.pv. sb-pcl::.arg0. sb-int:&more sb-pcl::.dfun-more-context. sb-pcl::.dfun-more-count.) :in "/home/gavinok/.cache/common-lisp/sbcl-2.2.9-linux-x64/home/gav.. 8: ((sb-c::top-level-form (setq package (sb-int:find-undeleted-package-or-lose "CL-TLS")))) [toplevel] 9: (sb-fasl::load-fasl-group #S(sb-fasl::fasl-input :stream #<sb-sys:fd-stream for "file /home/gavinok/.cache/common-lisp/sbcl-2.2.9-linux-x64/home/gavinok/.local/share/roswell/lisp/quicklisp/dists/quick.. 10: ((lambda nil :in sb-fasl::load-as-fasl)) 11: (sb-impl::call-with-loader-package-names #<function (lambda nil :in sb-fasl::load-as-fasl) {100591A33B}>) 12: (sb-fasl::load-as-fasl #<sb-sys:fd-stream for "file /home/gavinok/.cache/common-lisp/sbcl-2.2.9-linux-x64/home/gavinok/.local/share/roswell/lisp/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cl-tls-20221106-git/.. 13: ((labels sb-fasl::load-stream-1 :in load) #<sb-sys:fd-stream for "file /home/gavinok/.cache/common-lisp/sbcl-2.2.9-linux-x64/home/gavinok/.local/share/roswell/lisp/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/c.. 14: (sb-fasl::call-with-load-bindings #<function (labels sb-fasl::load-stream-1 :in load) {7F235F0BC8AB}> #<sb-sys:fd-stream for "file /home/gavinok/.cache/common-lisp/sbcl-2.2.9-linux-x64/home/gavinok/.l.. 15: (load #P"/home/gavinok/.cache/common-lisp/sbcl-2.2.9-linux-x64/home/gavinok/.local/share/roswell/lisp/quicklisp/dists/quicklisp/software/cl-tls-20221106-git/src/utils.fasl" :verbose nil :print nil :if.. 16: (uiop/utility:call-with-muffled-conditions #<function (lambda nil :in uiop/lisp-build:load*) {1005915BDB}> ("Overwriting already existing readtable ~S." #(#:finalizers-off-warning :asdf-finalizers))) 17: ((sb-pcl::emf asdf/action:perform) # # #<asdf/lisp-action:load-op > #<asdf/lisp-action:cl-source-file "cl-tls" "src" "utils">) 18: ((lambda nil :in asdf/action:call-while-visiting-action)) 19: ((:method asdf/action:perform-with-restarts (asdf/lisp-action:load-op asdf/lisp-action:cl-source-file)) #<asdf/lisp-action:load-op > #<asdf/lisp-action:cl-source-file "cl-tls" "src" "utils">) [fast-me.. 20: ((:method asdf/action:perform-with-restarts :around (t t)) #<asdf/lisp-action:load-op > #<asdf/lisp-action:cl-source-file "cl-tls" "src" "utils">) [fast-method] 21: ((:method asdf/plan:perform-plan (t)) #<asdf/plan:sequential-plan {10027F6CE3}>) [fast-method] 22: ((flet sb-c::with-it :in sb-c::%with-compilation-unit)) 23: ((:method asdf/plan:perform-plan :around (t)) #<asdf/plan:sequential-plan {10027F6CE3}>) [fast-method] 24: ((:method asdf/operate:operate (asdf/operation:operation asdf/component:component)) #<asdf/lisp-action:load-op > #<asdf/system:system "cl-tls"> :plan-class nil :plan-options nil) [fast-method] 25: ((sb-pcl::emf asdf/operate:operate) # # #<asdf/lisp-action:load-op > #<asdf/system:system "cl-tls"> :verbose nil) 26: ((lambda nil :in asdf/operate:operate)) 27: ((:method asdf/operate:operate :around (t t)) #<asdf/lisp-action:load-op > #<asdf/system:system "cl-tls"> :verbose nil) [fast-method] 28: ((sb-pcl::emf asdf/operate:operate) # # asdf/lisp-action:load-op "cl-tls" :verbose nil) 29: ((lambda nil :in asdf/operate:operate)) 30: ((:method asdf/operate:operate :around (t t)) asdf/lisp-action:load-op "cl-tls" :verbose nil) [fast-method] 31: (asdf/session:call-with-asdf-session #<function (lambda nil :in asdf/operate:operate) {10027ECCDB}> :override t :key nil :override-cache t :override-forcing nil) 32: ((lambda nil :in asdf/operate:operate)) 33: (asdf/session:call-with-asdf-session #<function (lambda nil :in asdf/operate:operate) {10027E1FEB}> :override nil :key nil :override-cache nil :override-forcing nil) 34: ((:method asdf/operate:operate :around (t t)) asdf/lisp-action:load-op "cl-tls" :verbose nil) [fast-method] 35: (asdf/operate:load-system "cl-tls" :verbose nil) 36: (quicklisp-client::call-with-macroexpand-progress #<function (lambda nil :in quicklisp-client::apply-load-strategy) {10027E1F5B}>) 37: (quicklisp-client::autoload-system-and-dependencies "cl-tls" :prompt nil) 38: ((:method ql-impl-util::%call-with-quiet-compilation (t t)) # #<function (flet quicklisp-client::ql :in quicklisp-client:quickload) {10027CB8DB}>) [fast-method] 39: ((:method ql-impl-util::%call-with-quiet-compilation :around (ql-impl:sbcl t)) #<ql-impl:sbcl {100523C1D3}> #<function (flet quicklisp-client::ql :in quicklisp-client:quickload) {10027CB8DB}>) [fast-m.. 40: ((:method quicklisp-client:quickload (t)) "cl-tls" :prompt nil :silent nil :verbose nil) [fast-method] 41: (ql-dist::call-with-consistent-dists #<function (lambda nil :in quicklisp-client:quickload) {10027A616B}>) 42: (sb-int:simple-eval-in-lexenv (quicklisp-client:quickload "cl-tls") #) 43: (eval (quicklisp-client:quickload "cl-tls")) 44: ((lambda nil :in slynk-mrepl::mrepl-eval-1)) 45: (slynk::call-with-retry-restart "Retry SLY mREPL evaluation request." #<function (lambda nil :in slynk-mrepl::mrepl-eval-1) {10027A566B}>) 46: ((lambda nil :in slynk-mrepl::mrepl-eval-1)) 47: ((lambda nil :in slynk::call-with-listener)) 48: (slynk::call-with-bindings # #) 49: (slynk-mrepl::mrepl-eval-1 # #) 50: (slynk-mrepl::mrepl-eval # #) 51: (slynk:process-requests nil) 52: ((lambda nil :in slynk::spawn-channel-thread)) 53: ((lambda nil :in slynk::spawn-channel-thread)) 54: (slynk-sbcl::call-with-break-hook # #) 55: ((flet slynk-backend:call-with-debugger-hook :in "/home/gavinok/.emacs.d/elpa/sly-20221108.2234/slynk/backend/sbcl.lisp") # #) 56: ((lambda nil :in slynk::call-with-listener)) 57: (slynk::call-with-bindings # #) 58: ((lambda nil :in slynk::spawn-channel-thread)) 59: ((flet sb-unix::body :in sb-thread::run)) 60: ((flet "WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS-BODY-11" :in sb-thread::run)) 61: ((flet sb-unix::body :in sb-thread::run)) 62: ((flet "WITHOUT-INTERRUPTS-BODY-4" :in sb-thread::run)) 63: (sb-thread::run) 64: ("foreign function: call_intolisp")

adlai commented 1 year ago

Can you summarise the differences between mainstream Swank and Slynk?

... I suppose one way to avoid that topic entirely is to confirm that the bug occurs when loading CL-TLS without Slynk.

Gavinok commented 1 year ago

This seems to be an issue with my personal setup since it seems to install within docker and without sly or slime at all. However, when I run it locally I still get this issue.

adlai commented 1 year ago

Thank you for confirming this. If you do find the fix, please update and close the issue!