shreaker / OpenXCP

An open source XCP based measurement and calibration system for automotive ECUs
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Segmentation fault and ELF parser issues #5

Open Starkeus opened 6 months ago

Starkeus commented 6 months ago

Sounds good. Seeing a segmentation fault in small_vector.hh when performing the push_back at line 167. This is creating issues at the ELF parser level. In, line 42:

for (const taddr *elt = arguments.end() - 1;
        elt >= arguments.begin(); elt--)
    stack.push_back(*elt); // <- The value of elt is 0xfffffffffffffff8, which means the loop should be auto, despite which the seg fault occurs.

Which uses small_vector.hh's:

    void push_back(const T& x)
            reserve(size() + 1);
            new (end) T(x);

How can I fix this and can anyone provide an ELF file they have tested with? Thanks.

Starkeus commented 6 months ago
for (auto elt = arguments.begin(); elt != arguments.end(); ++elt)
// Check if the stack is empty before using stack.back()
if (stack.empty()) {
    throw expr_error("empty stack while initializing DWARF expression");

I threw in an expression error and I actually got "empty stack while initializing DWARF expression" multiple times. Wondering why the stack is empty and the seg fault happens.

Kaneleo commented 6 months ago

One possible reason is that the elf file which you selected is dwarfv5 format while libelfin only supports dwarfv4 format.

Starkeus commented 6 months ago

Possibly right. Is there any way I can remove the libelfin from this library and Parse an A2L instead? My goal is to have an A2L that I load so a Linux PC that connects to my ECUs sends variable requests which can be matched with their addresses, and the ECUs return back with data.