shred / identify

Amiga library for hardware identification
GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0
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"GottaGoFaZt3r" RAM Card not recognised #8

Closed SezaroSteve closed 1 year ago

SezaroSteve commented 1 year ago

Good evening,

Identify.library does not yet recognise the new Amiga "GottaGoFaZt3r" Zorro III Fast-RAM Card, designed by Matt Harlum / LIV2.

Here is the output on my machine (with the current identify.library version):

The unknown card:
ListExp:    "2011/ 72 Prototype ID #72"
WhichAmiga: "2011/72: Reserved Unknown Prod.ID #72 (@$50000000 256M)"

is a "GottaGoFaZt3r" RAM Card designed by Matt Harlum.
I have the 256MB Version of this board. There is also a 128MB Version.

Actual output of both programs:

New Shell process 6
6.DH0:> listexp
-- ListExp V14.2 --


System:  Amiga 3000
CPU:     68030 50 MHz (Rev N/A), FPU=68882 50 MHz, MMU=68030
Chipset: ECS (RAMSEY D, GARY Normal, CHUNKY None) VBR=0x00000000
         DMA:   Agnus 8372 Rev. 1-4 (Mode: PAL)
         Video: Denise 8373 (Rev: 0)
         Audio: Paula 8364
         RTC:   Ricoh RP5C01A
AmigaOS: 3.1.4 (V46.143, SetPatch V45.25, ROM V46.143)
         Exec V46.45   Workbench V45.194
Support: GraphicOS: Picasso96, AudioOS: AmigaOS, TCP/IP: Roadshow
Clock:   Power 50 Hz, VBlank 50 Hz, E-Clock 709379 Hz
RAM:     Motherboard 16 bit, 80 ns, Normal CAS, 1x Bandwidth

Memory:            CHIP    FAST   TOTAL ROM = 512.0KB   SLOW = 0
          PLAIN   1.9MB 272.0MB ~274.0MB
        VIRTUAL       0       0       0
          TOTAL   1.9MB 272.0MB ~274.0MB


Nr ID        Manufacturer         Product
 1 18260/ 16 MacroSystem          Retina BLT Z3        graphics
 2  4626/100 Individual Computers X-Surf-100           Ethernet
 3  2011/ 72 Prototype ID         #72                  (unknown)

At least one expansion in your system is not known yet. Please send this
output to the Identify project, see: .
Your help is appreciated. Thank you!


Result from WhichAmiga:

WhichAmiga 1.3.3 (2.5.99)
Written by Harry "Piru" Sintonen. Copyright � 1995-1999 PitPlane Productions.

Evaluating system...
Central Processing Unit: MC68030 50.0 MHz
    Floating Point Unit: MC68882
 Memory Management Unit: 68030mmu running
   Custom graphics chip: ECS Denise 8373 (rev 0)
  Custom animation chip: ECS PAL Fatter Agnus 8372a, 1MB
   Other custom chip(s): Paula 8364 (rev 0), Ramsey (rev 13), Gary (rev 0)
        Graphics system: Picasso96
      Graphics board(s): Retina Z3
         Hardware Clock: clock found
 Max. Chipmem available: 2016 K
 Max. Fastmem available: 278528 K
 Max. Virtmem available: 16 K
       ROM chip version: 46.143 (Kickstart unknown)
      Workbench version: 45.194 (Workbench unknown)
       SetPatch version: 45.25
     Expansion board(s):
18260/16: MacroSystems (Germany) Retina Z3 (@$40000000 16M)
4626/100: Individual Computers X-Surf 100 Rev.3 Z-II/Z-III Ethernet (@$44000000 64k)
2011/72: Reserved Unknown Prod.ID #72 (@$50000000 256M)

 Your computer is an Amiga 3000.

Kind regards, Steve

shred commented 1 year ago

Thank you, Steve! I will add the board to the next release of Identify.