shred / kaminari

AS3935 and ESP8266 based Franklin Lightning Detector
GNU General Public License v3.0
41 stars 10 forks source link

Help with settings #7

Open ve3sjk opened 3 years ago

ve3sjk commented 3 years ago

Could you provide and example on how to change settings via the webpage?

shred commented 3 years ago

Sure... To change the settings, you invoke the /update endpoint and provide as GET parameters what you want to change. You also need to provide an api_key parameter with the API key you defined in your myWiFi.h file.

For example, to turn off the LED through a browser, you can invoke:


(Replace kaminari.localdomain with your Kaminari's host name or IP address, and set the proper API key.)

You can also provide the API key as X-API-Key header, e.g.:

curl -H 'X-API-Key: MySeCrEtApIkEy' 'http://kaminari.localdomain/update?statusLed=false'
ve3sjk commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the response that was the info i was looking for, can i ask if you have seen any real lightning detected using your unit. I have tried 2 different boards in this setup now, in both cases i get perfect tuning at 500k but it does not trigger on lightning events, i have had storms overhead last night and 5 minutes ago with plenty of lightning and the system did not see any of the strikes at all.

shred commented 3 years ago

I'm experimenting with my AS3935 for more than a year now, and I'm finally making a bit of progress. What I could find out so far:

With this setup, I only get a few false positives per day. If a thunderstorm approaches, I get many lightning events now. Together with the raising number of disturbers per minute, it's indeed possible to check if a thunderstorm is approaching.

However it's not like that the detector detects every lightning that I can see outside. The distance estimation is also totally useless at the moment, because almost all lightnings are reported as "right overhead".

I keep on experimenting, but it's in the nature of this project that the progress is very slow.