shreevatsa / bhartrhari

Bhartṛhari's śataka-s: aligning multiple translations and texts / commentaries
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Add page region data from other repo #13

Closed shreevatsa closed 1 year ago

shreevatsa commented 1 year ago

For Kosambi and Telang.

shreevatsa commented 1 year ago

Maybe we can refactor the file to do this, and then repeat it with the earlier version of the .py file.

shreevatsa commented 1 year ago

I think I need to think through the data format with some examples. That's what is slowing me down here.

shreevatsa commented 1 year ago

The "input" file telang-regions.json is an array of dicts, that basically amounts to this:

slug type name xmin ymin width height text
51 lgVerse 001 584 1381.5 1714 360 ...
52 lgFootnote 005 356 3327.5 2423 280 ...

Or, with:

cat telang-regions.json | sqlite-utils insert delitos.db delitos - --pk id

after which:

sqlite> select * from delitos limit 5;
│ id │ slug │   type   │ name │ xmin │  ymin  │ width │ height │                             text                             │
│ 1  │ 51   │ lgHeader │      │ 984  │ 1115.5 │ 1263  │ 266.0  │ ["॥ अथ नीतिशतकम् ॥"]                                         │
│ 2  │ 51   │ lgVerse  │ 001  │ 584  │ 1381.5 │ 1714  │ 360.0  │ ["दिक्कालाद्यनवच्छिन्नानन्तचिन्मात्रमूर्तये ।", "स्वानुभूत्य │
│    │      │          │      │      │        │       │        │ ेकसाराय नमः शान्ताय तेजसे ॥ १ ॥"]                            │
│ 3  │ 51   │ lgVerse  │ 002  │ 568  │ 1741.5 │ 1675  │ 588.5  │ ["यां चिन्तयामि सततं मयि सा विरक्ता", "साप्यन्यमिच्छति जनं स │
│    │      │          │      │      │        │       │        │  जनोग्यसक्तः ।", "अस्मत्कृते च परितुष्यति काचिदन्या", "धिक्त │
│    │      │          │      │      │        │       │        │ ां च तं च मदनं च इमां च मांश्च ॥ २ ॥"]                       │
│ 4  │ 51   │ lgVerse  │ 003  │ 559  │ 2330.0 │ 1783  │ 327.0  │ ["अज्ञः सुखमाराध्यः सुखतरमाराध्यते विशेषज्ञः ।", "ज्ञानलवदुर │
│    │      │          │      │      │        │       │        │ ्विदग्धं ब्रह्मापि नरं न रज्जयति ॥ ३ ॥"]                     │
│ 5  │ 51   │ lgVerse  │ 004  │ 551  │ 2657.0 │ 1680  │ 671.0  │ ["प्रसद्य मणिमुदरन्मकरवचदंष्ट्राकुरा", "समुद्रमापे संतरेत्य  │
│    │      │          │      │      │        │       │        │ चलर्मिमालाकुलम् ।", "भुजङ्गमपि कोपितं शिरासे पुष्पवद्धारये . │
│    │      │          │      │      │        │       │        │ ", "न तु प्रतिनिविष्टमूर्खजनचित्तमाराधयेत् ॥ ४ ॥"]           │


sqlite> select * from delitos order by random() limit 5;
│ id  │ slug │    type    │ name │ xmin │  ymin  │ width │ height │                             text                             │
│ 513 │ 112  │ lgVerse    │ 093  │ 563  │ 771.5  │ 2172  │ 376.0  │ ["आत्माराम फलाशी गुरुवचनरवस्त्वत्प्रसादात्स्मरारे", "दुःखाम् │
│     │      │            │      │      │        │       │        │ मोक्ष्ये कदाहं तव चरणरतो ध्यानमार्गेकप्रश्नः ॥ ९ ३ ॥"]       │
│ 266 │ 81   │ lgVerse    │ 116  │ 548  │ 2923.5 │ 1971  │ 302.5  │ ["कमठकुला चल दिग्गजफणिपतिविधृतापि चलति वसुधेयम् ।", "प्रतिपन │
│     │      │            │      │      │        │       │        │ ्नममलमनसां न फलति पुंसां युगान्तपि ॥ ६ ॥"]                   │
│ 375 │ 94   │ lgHeader   │      │ 1160 │ 1140.0 │ 886   │ 190.0  │ ["निर्ममतास्वरूपमाह |"]                                      │
│ 619 │ 124  │ lgFootnote │ 146  │ 344  │ 3939.5 │ 2379  │ 596.0  │ ["XXXIII . ( 4 ) भजचपळा : ; भोगचपळा :. J. तुल्यतरला : K. भङ् │
│     │      │            │      │      │        │       │        │ गतरला : N.", "( b ) सुखम् ; मुखम , I ' . सुख N. प्रीतिः प्रि │
│     │      │            │      │      │        │       │        │ यवस्थिरा ; फूर्तिः क्रियासु स्थिता G. K", "T. Bo . ( where त │
│     │      │            │      │      │        │       │        │ िँ for ति :) N. ( where मि for क्रि ) ( c ) संसा ; \" जन्सा  │
│     │      │            │      │      │        │       │        │ C", "A. Bo.n. नि ॰; ° म ° . A. Bon . बुद्धा ; मला B. P. बुधा │
│     │      │            │      │      │        │       │        │ बीका बुन्नोभये ,", "• M. बुधान्योधने A. Bon . बुधा यौवने P.  │
│     │      │            │      │      │        │       │        │ R."]                                                         │
│ 596 │ 121  │ lgFootnote │ 135  │ 352  │ 4447.5 │ 2327  │ 252.5  │ ["XXII . ( 4 ) मम महारामरचिते ; पथि मठारामसरितः B. M. ( b )  │
│     │      │            │      │      │        │       │        │ ° द्विपमृग", "सु ' ; ' गवि , B. विटविमृग ● M."]              │

For simplicity, let's say the input is a list like:

shreevatsa commented 1 year ago

The "output" we want is a list, of something like:

So for example:

n name map
1 header -> [{atha nītiśatakam}]
2 N001 verse -> [{dikkālā…}]
footnote -> [{I. ... }]
note -> [{Stanza 1. ...}, {along with times ...}]
3 N002 verse -> [{...}]
footnote -> [{II. ...}]
note -> [{St. II ...}, {to king...}]
shreevatsa commented 1 year ago
shreevatsa commented 1 year ago

This is taking me a long time for some reason, so let's break it down further.

shreevatsa commented 1 year ago

Creating the separate issue #14 helped unblock me; now the alignment data is stored in with names matching those in

shreevatsa commented 1 year ago

Need to do the same for Kosambi now.

shreevatsa commented 1 year ago

Deleted some earlier files with 034689df90d96f035d60f3e6a4714cc4a5bf4976

shreevatsa commented 1 year ago

I need to figure out how in my other repo I was generating the Kosambi HTML file back then:

python > out.html

but may need the earlier version of the file.

shreevatsa commented 1 year ago

Got the file!

git show >

and then:

python3 > out.html && diff -s out.html ~/w/
shreevatsa commented 1 year ago is like the concatentation of:

shreevatsa commented 1 year ago

Except that it has names like 001f, which won't do.

shreevatsa commented 1 year ago

I think I have it in this file now: added in commit 11cc32ab5653746faedeedd8aae4c7153e17261d.