shreevatsa / sanskrit

Tool(s) to help read Sanskrit (and other) metrical verse
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Mātrā-vṛtta (upagīti) that does not satisfy the stricter constraints #59

Open shreevatsa opened 9 years ago

shreevatsa commented 9 years ago

The following

भ्रम धार्मिक विश्रब्धः 
स शूनकोऽद्य मारितस्तेन । 
ञ्जवासिना दृप्तसिंहेन

despite being (modulo pādānta laghu) 12-15-12-15, is not recognized as upagīti. I guess this is because it doesn't satisfy the stricter constraints. Still, we should be able to highlight them, instead or producing a mess.

sridatta1 commented 5 years ago

This is chāyā of a Verse from Gāhā sattasaī. भम धम्मिअ वीसत्थो सो सुणओ अज्ज मारिओ तेण। गोलाणइकच्छकुडुंगवासिणा दरिअसीहेण॥ Seems like a popular Verse in alaṅkāraśastra going by Google search. There would not be any perceptible rhythm if only 12-15-12-15 is followed. I think such verses without stricter constraints don't exist in Sanskrit/Prakrit. Obviously in chāyās the original metre will not be always preserved.