shrhdk / text-to-svg

Convert text to SVG path without native dependence.
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Problem when using this in angular/webpack/browserify #47

Open Masterxilo opened 5 years ago

Masterxilo commented 5 years ago

I recently wanted to use this in an angular 7 project and I got

ERROR in ./node_modules/text-to-svg/build/src/index.js
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'path' in '/mnt/d/Users/E513185/OneDrive/signaletikeditor/signaletikeditor-frontend/node_modules/text-to-svg/build/src'
Masterxilo commented 5 years ago

The solution is to use npm install path to install the 'path' module which native nodejs provides by itself but must be manually installed for webpack to understand it.

Masterxilo commented 5 years ago

'npm install process' is also necessary to avoid the subsequent error message in the browser

path.js:25 Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined
    at Object../node_modules/path/path.js (path.js:25)
Masterxilo commented 5 years ago

That actually does not fix the problem.

It is well known that angular has a problem with these libraries... see for example

Now how can I use this in an Angular client application successfully?

Masterxilo commented 5 years ago

I had other problems like

ERROR in src/app/_signaletic/plate/plate/plate.component.ts(50,12): error TS2339: Property 'process' does not exist on type 'Window'.
Uncaught ReferenceError: __dirname is not defined
Uncaught TypeError: Arguments to path.join must be strings

I could finally solve the problem using the following HACKFIX (after npm install'ing process and path):

//import TextToSVG from "text-to-svg"; // does not work
// HACKFIX for
// Uncaught ReferenceError: process is not defined and other problems
//at Object../node_modules/path/path.js
window["process"] = {}; window["__dirname"] = ''; const TextToSVG = require("text-to-svg");
Masterxilo commented 5 years ago

Which browserification library was used in this project?

Masterxilo commented 4 years ago

I would consider this issue resolved when it is possible to use this library in angular using

import TextToSVG from "text-to-svg";

I am not quite sure of all the steps required for you guys to enable this.

For now, I can work with my hackfix mentioned above:

//import TextToSVG from "text-to-svg"; // does not work
window["process"] = {}; window["__dirname"] = ''; const TextToSVG = require("text-to-svg");
antoine382 commented 4 years ago

Did you fix your problem ? I have exactly the same !

Masterxilo commented 4 years ago

@antoine382 look at the end of my post above. You can define the missing variables as dummy globals on the window object.