shridarpatil / frappe_whatsapp

WhatsApp cloud integration for frappe
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How can I trigger a WhatsApp Notification? #59

Open ahassoun opened 4 months ago

ahassoun commented 4 months ago


I have a WhatsApp Template, Approved, and pulled successfully. AFAIK, the only way to initiate a message from this app is via WhatsApp Notification DocType.

The DocType Event menu does not have what I need. I need a custom event.

More specifically, I have a custom button on a DocType Form View, and I need the notification to be triggered once the button is clicked.

Could you please give me high level directions on how to achive this?


simran-baliyan commented 4 months ago


shridarpatil commented 4 months ago

@ahassoun On click of button you can call an api with below snippet In you python code you can add the below snippet

doc = frappe.get_doc("<doctype name>", "<name>")
                "WhatsApp Notification",
ahassoun commented 4 months ago

@ahassoun On click of button you can call an api with below snippet In you python code you can add the below snippet

doc = frappe.get_doc("<doctype name>", "<name>")
                "WhatsApp Notification",

Thanks, worked perfectly.

ahassoun commented 4 months ago

@ahassoun can you share me code to which doctype you implemented? Complete code from button creation to trigger.

You can not directly call a Python method from the client script.

Here's how you can properly trigger a server-side method to send a WhatsApp message from a custom button in the "Sales Invoice" DocType:

Correcting the Client-side Script

  1. Variable Scope: The variable name isn't defined in your function. You should use to get the name of the current document.
  2. Asynchronous Server Call: Use to make an asynchronous call to a server-side method. You cannot directly call server-side methods like send_scheduled_message from the client-side without this.

Here's a corrected version of the client-side script:

frappe.ui.form.on('Sales Invoice', {
    refresh(frm) {
        frm.add_custom_button(__('Send Invoice'), function() {
            // Use to get the current document's name
                method: 'your_app_path.your_module_name.your_method', // Specify the correct path to your server-side method
                args: {
                    notification_name: 'WN-0001' // Assuming 'WN-0001' is the name of your WhatsApp Notification DocType instance
                callback: function(r) {
                    if (!r.exc) {
                        // Handle successful message sending here, e.g., show a message to the user
                        frappe.msgprint(__('WhatsApp message sent successfully.'));
        }, __("Send WhatsApp Alert"));

Required Server-side Method

You'll need to implement a server-side method that the client-side script can call. This method will retrieve the WhatsApp Notification document and then call its send_scheduled_message method with the appropriate arguments.

Here's an example of what the server-side method could look like:

# Example server-side method in your custom app
import frappe
from frappe.core.doctype.whatsapp_notification.whatsapp_notification import WhatsAppNotification

def send_whatsapp_invoice(docname, notification_name):
        whatsapp_notification = frappe.get_doc('WhatsApp Notification', notification_name)
        doc = frappe.get_doc('Sales Invoice', docname)
        return {'status': 'success'}
    except Exception as e:
        frappe.log_error(frappe.get_traceback(), 'send_whatsapp_invoice Error')
        return {'status': 'error', 'error': str(e)}

Make sure to replace 'your_app_path.your_module_name.your_method' in the client-side script with the actual path to this server-side method, such as 'your_app.doctype.sales_invoice.sales_invoice.send_whatsapp_invoice'.

This setup ensures that when the "Send Invoice" button is clicked, it will make an AJAX call to the specified server-side method, which then handles the process of sending the WhatsApp Notification. Remember to adjust the server-side method path and any DocType names or field names to fit your actual setup.

github-actions[bot] commented 4 days ago

Stale issue message