I couldn't get the Algolia DocSearch feature working again after migrating to Docusaurus v2, probably due to the combination of Algolia making some changes on their end as well. I tried re-creating the search index using a template specifically for Docusaurus v2, but that didn't help.
I think the search functionality is very useful for this amount of documentation, so I would gladly appreciate help in bringing it back. I can share my Algolia login with the potential volunteer, or anything else they might need.
I couldn't get the Algolia DocSearch feature working again after migrating to Docusaurus v2, probably due to the combination of Algolia making some changes on their end as well. I tried re-creating the search index using a template specifically for Docusaurus v2, but that didn't help.
I think the search functionality is very useful for this amount of documentation, so I would gladly appreciate help in bringing it back. I can share my Algolia login with the potential volunteer, or anything else they might need.