shroudedcode / apk-mitm

🤖 A CLI application that automatically prepares Android APK files for HTTPS inspection
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Recommend Disable ApkTool Decompile #162

Open IDXGI opened 1 month ago

IDXGI commented 1 month ago

For simple network settings fix, such as change the xml config file, there's no need to enable ApkTool decompile, bucause it will CAUSE compatibility issue, like this:

I: Baksmaling assets/39285EFA.dex... Exception in thread "main"$NotADexFile: Not a valid dex magic value: cf 77 4c c7 9b 21 01 cd at at at

Then I added the ApkTool parameter '-s' to disable decompile source code, it runs smoothly:

I: Using Apktool 2.9.3 on src0.apk I: Loading resource table... I: Decoding file-resources... I: Loading resource table from file: C:\Users\a2441\AppData\Local\apktool\framework\1.apk I: Decoding values / XMLs... I: Decoding AndroidManifest.xml with resources... I: Regular manifest package... I: Copying raw classes.dex file... I: Copying raw classes2.dex file... I: Copying raw assets/39285EFA.dex file... I: Copying assets and libs... I: Copying unknown files... I: Copying original files... I: Copying META-INF/services directory Press any key to continue . . .

If there's no any other change to force decompile, we should disable it. Hope my issue will help some people, save some time.