shroudedcode / apk-mitm

🤖 A CLI application that automatically prepares Android APK files for HTTPS inspection
MIT License
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Ensure support of newer versions of okhttp3, log successfully patched files #165

Open drzraf opened 1 week ago

drzraf commented 1 week ago hasn't been update in 3 years and patching my app' wouldn't be enough to make it work.

While I found a workaround, I still wonder if patches.ts is up-to-date wrt latest version of the code And one interesting change to make to apk-mitm would be to output clearly in the console the files actually identified and patched successfully. Because AFAICT there is not way to get an overview and if I have 2 or 3 bundles/partly modified copies/chunks of the okhttp library, it's hard to tell which ones were overlooked.