shshaw / Splitting

JavaScript microlibrary to split an element by words, characters, children and more, populated with CSS variables!
MIT License
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kerning lost #66

Open alejandromizraji opened 3 years ago

alejandromizraji commented 3 years ago

Hi, I noticed that kerning is lost when the words are split into characters. is there any way to address that?

Thank you!

sahejsahni commented 3 years ago

I'm noticing this too. Are we doing something wrong?

lukethacoder commented 3 years ago

Kerning should be maintained, but may need to be set again if its not playing nice

<h2 id="get-started" class="words chars splitting" style="--word-total: 3; --char-total: 11" data-scroll="in">
  <span class="word" data-word="Get" style="--word-index: 1">
    <span class="char" data-char="G" style="--char-index: 1">G</span>
    <span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 2">e</span>
    <span class="char" data-char="t" style="--char-index: 3">t</span>
  <span class="whitespace"></span>
  <span class="word" data-word="Started" style="--word-index: 2">
    <span class="char" data-char="S" style="--char-index: 4">S</span>
    <span class="char" data-char="t" style="--char-index: 5">t</span>
    <span class="char" data-char="a" style="--char-index: 6">a</span>
    <span class="char" data-char="r" style="--char-index: 7">r</span>
    <span class="char" data-char="t" style="--char-index: 8">t</span>
    <span class="char" data-char="e" style="--char-index: 9">e</span>
    <span class="char" data-char="d" style="--char-index: 10">d</span>

above taken from the Splitting docs site. Adjusting the letter-spacing via the browser inspector seems to do the trick.

#get-started {
    letter-spacing: 4px;
qinyiyao commented 3 years ago

Adjusting letter spacing didn’t work. The kerning issue is visible in all demos on CodePen, or anywhere, if you use the more problematic letter pairings.

This issue is also observable in GreenSocks SplitText. I guess there’s no way around this other than just use a monospaced font or use word splitting, which still will not deal with the space between words.

Screen Shot

MonliH commented 1 year ago

Yes, I cannot emphasize how much of a dealbreaker this is! For anyone running into the same problem, I found to be very helpful! It kind of sucks for performance though :(