shtirlic / yubikeylockd

Simple daemon for locking and unlocking macOS with Yubikey
MIT License
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User session restart on bad password entry with macOS Catalina 10.15.3 #11

Closed halocaridina closed 4 years ago

halocaridina commented 4 years ago

Dear All, I've noticed the following issue on Catalina vs Mojave. Following installing yubikeylockd through homebrew as directed/suggested on Catalina, correct password entry at screensaver unlocks session and any/all apps open and running at lock are in correct state. However, if no/incorrect password is entered, there is a 3-5 sec delay before macOS presents a generic login. When correct username and password is entered at this point, session starts and reopens apps but not in same state as when initially locked. Notably, macOS status bar appears to reload, suggesting a new session is being initiated.

I only have one machine running Catalina exhibiting this behavior while two machine on Mojave behave as expected. So while Catalina appears to be the culprit, it could be a misconfiguration I'm not taking into account.

Please let me know if additional information would be helpful in diagnosis.

Thank you in advance.

halocaridina commented 4 years ago

Closing this issue since problem appears to stem from how MacOS Catalina's login system has changed: