shu223 / Pulsator

Pulse animation for iOS
MIT License
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Pulsator in Custom Map Annotation #5

Closed mrsnax closed 8 years ago

mrsnax commented 8 years ago


I was to trying add Pulsator into my project, but the annotation cant play pulse, what I'm doing wrong? My code below is :

#annotationView = MKAnnotationView(annotation: annotation, reuseIdentifier: "pin")
annotationView!.canShowCallout = true
annotationView!.image = UIImage(named: "cars2x")

annotationView!.layer.superlayer?.insertSublayer(pulsator, below: annotationView!.layer)
pulsator.numPulse = 3
pulsator.radius = 240.0

The code is ok, no found errors, but pulse can't show up :/

shu223 commented 8 years ago

Hi, I added an example & a playground which indicate how to use it for map annotations. I hope those will be helpful.

kidsid-Ixigo commented 6 years ago

@shu223 you haven't explained how to show it behind of annotation image?

fukemy commented 4 years ago

pulsator not show when add to imageview, can someone help?