shubham-goel / 4D-Humans

4DHumans: Reconstructing and Tracking Humans with Transformers
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2d and 3d joints positions #131

Open Marlod390 opened 1 week ago

Marlod390 commented 1 week ago

I tried to use the smpl parameter to calculate the position of 3d joints in order to compare with the data under the 3d_joints key, but found that the two data are different. At the same time, when I visualized the 2d joints on the original image, I also found that their positions did not match the actual ones. So I want to know how the 3d joints and 2d joints are calculated. Thanks in advance

geopavlakos commented 1 week ago

You can follow the code in the forward_step to see how we calculate the 3D joints and project them to the image. In what way were the 3D and 2D joints different from the ones you calculated?

Marlod390 commented 1 week ago

Thank for your reply. This is the code i use to visualize the first 25 predicted 2d joints on the original frame.
`import joblib import cv2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np

data = joblib.load('/home/markusc/Videos/panda_test/video/output2/webvid/medium/3/4dhumans/3_4dhumans.pkl')

first_key = next(iter(data.keys())) joints_2d_1 = data[first_key]['2d_joints'][0][:252] joints_2d_2 = data[first_key]['2d_joints'][1][:252]

image_path = '/home/markusc/Videos/panda_test/video/3/json_files/multiple/3/0_pose.png' image = cv2.imread(image_path) image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)

img_height, imgwidth, = image.shape

joints_2d_1 = joints_2d_1.reshape(-1, 2) joints_2d_2 = joints_2d_2.reshape(-1, 2)

joints_2d_1[:, 0] = img_width joints_2d_1[:, 1] = img_height joints_2d_2[:, 0] = img_width joints_2d_2[:, 1] = img_height

print("Joints 2D 1 positions:") print(joints_2d_1)

print("Joints 2D 2 positions:") print(joints_2d_2)

plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) plt.imshow(image)

for idx, joint in enumerate(joints_2d_1): if idx == 0: plt.scatter(joint[0], joint[1], s=100, c='yellow', marker='o') else: plt.scatter(joint[0], joint[1], s=30, c='red', marker='o') plt.text(joint[0], joint[1], str(idx), fontsize=12, color='red')

for idx, joint in enumerate(joints_2d_2): if idx == 0: plt.scatter(joint[0], joint[1], s=100, c='green', marker='o') else: plt.scatter(joint[0], joint[1], s=30, c='blue', marker='o') plt.text(joint[0], joint[1], str(idx), fontsize=12, color='blue')

plt.title('2D Joints on Image - First Frame') plt.axis('off')`

And the result is as follow output