shubhamyv13 / purring-wash-3465

This is a simple banking application written in Java. It allows customers to create an account, deposit and withdraw money, and check their account balance.
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Project Review #7

Open rahulkore opened 1 year ago

rahulkore commented 1 year ago
  1. Use @Data annotations from lombok package for dynamic getters and setters , won't have to create getters and setters manually for all the parameters in entity classes. 2.Use appropriate names for packages , for example ui is not a good name for a folder
  2. good job on creating custom exceptions .
  3. put Use cases classes in service layer where all the business logic must reside.
  4. separate controller , service layer must be present .
  5. I couldn't find any database related separate file.
  6. functionality is in working condition so that's good.
  7. Just focus on the aspects that i have mentioned above , you'll be good to go.
  8. good job on camel casing and meaningful variable names.
  9. Below site has some small projects with different spring boot concepts in it , do go through once on your own pace.