shuding / cobe

5kB WebGL globe lib.
MIT License
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Offset options not working #48

Closed zernonia closed 1 year ago

zernonia commented 1 year ago

Based on doc, there's the offset options, but it doesn't seems to work.

Change offset x and y value. Globe stays the same position

shuding commented 1 year ago

The unit is pixel so try something like [100, 100] :)

zernonia commented 1 year ago

Thanks for the swift response, unfortunatately seems like still not working.

Also, I was confused by the playground's offsetX & offsetY, I thought the value should be relative from -1 to 1


ZachSaucier commented 1 year ago

It seems to work for me. However, the pixel values seem to be scaled to I had to use larger values than I was first expecting to get the desired results.