shugo / immutable

immutable data structures for Ruby
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Merge with Hamster? #10

Closed alexdowad closed 2 years ago

alexdowad commented 9 years ago

Please have a look at this project:

It's a library with very similar goals to Immutable. Some of the APIs are even compatible between the 2 libraries.

There are a few differences. Hamster uses hash tries for its Map ("Hash") structure, Immutable uses RB-trees. Hamster has a few more immutable structures -- including immutable vectors, sets (which use the same hash trie structure as the maps), and sorted sets (implemented with immutable AVL trees). Hamster is fully documented and has a complete suite of unit tests.

One of the problems with Hamster is the terrible name. "Immutable" is much more appropriate. For the purpose of helping more Ruby programmers benefit from a good library of immutable data structures, the gem name is also important.

To maintain backwards compatibility for your existing users, API functions like #snoc can be added to the data structures imported from Hamster.

alexdowad commented 9 years ago

Also: both libraries are MIT-licensed.