shuhei / material-colors

Colors of Google's Material Design made available to coders
ISC License
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Can't Import Sass Files #7

Closed ccravens closed 8 years ago

ccravens commented 8 years ago

I used bower to install the material-colors dependency. The dist/ folder contains a file with .scss and .sass. When attempting to use sass to import the file like so:

@import '../../bower_components/material-colors/dist/colors.scss';

I get the following error:

Error: It's not clear which file to import for '@import "../../bower_components/material-colors/dist/colors"'.
       Please delete or rename all but one of these files.

Can we not rename or move these files so we can import them appropriately with SASS?

shuhei commented 8 years ago

I don't think this is an issue of this module but the tool that threw the error. What tool do you use? You can contact the maintainers of it about this problem.