shuhuilee / MEEP-Test

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"Fatal error: mpi.h: no such file or directory" during compilation #2

Closed shuhuilee closed 4 years ago

shuhuilee commented 4 years ago

(Context: Following the Build from Source code on MEEP documentation site)

on doingpip3 install --user --no-binary=h5py h5py there is a termination due to mpi.h not being present.

I looked online and saw that some said the issue is due to an absence of C++ or C linkers when doing install. How does one specify a header such as CC=mpicc when issuing a pip3 install command? it seems to work differently from say sh or ./compile

shuhuilee commented 4 years ago

I triedsudo apt install libopenmpi-devand ran the pip3 installcommand again, but it did not work

shuhuilee commented 4 years ago

Tried brew install openmpi and brew install mpich which clashes with the first command, as per suggestions on

Ran pip3 install. Still fatal error, mpi.h not found.

Tried downloading via Synaptic.

Searched for, downloaded, and installed all mpi-related packages on for bionic 18.04 -- ran the pip3 install command again, still no change.

shuhuilee commented 4 years ago

Instead of proceeding within the folder ~/install, I used cd to exit to root directory.

Executing the pip3 install --user --no-binary=h5py h5pycommand then worked without incident.