shuhuilee / MEEP-Test

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T-junction circulator optimization - pure dielectric #4

Open shuhuilee opened 3 years ago

shuhuilee commented 3 years ago

(1) Optimizer would get stuck on local minima even after dilation, erosion, blueprint transforms on design parameters

(2) Unable to show plot of transmission over frequency after optimization of the design region.

shuhuilee commented 3 years ago

(1): Solution - change seed = 220 (from 240 previously). Perhaps not altering the seed value after a finished simulation could cause the solver to get stuck..

Also changed decay_by = {} value from 1e-3 to 1e-2 (default is 1e-6), which would cause simulation to take too long.

decay_by changed to 1e-6 from 1e-3 because I realized decay_by indicates the amount of time by which the simulation does something, rather than doing something after fields have decayed by that amount (different from stop_when_fields_decayed={}).

(2) Added flux regions after sim.reset_meep(), sim.load_minus_flux_data(), which were not there previously.