shulieTech / Takin

Takin is an Java-based, open-source system designed to measure online environmental performance test for full-links, Especially for microservices. Through Takin, middlewares and applications can identify real online traffic and test traffic, ensure that they enter the right databases.
Apache License 2.0
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新增业务活动服务链表为空 #122

Open lztt191225 opened 2 years ago

lztt191225 commented 2 years ago

描述:平台提供的demo在接入探针后,项目列表正常 image 但是在新增业务活动,没有服务新增入口 image

一下是排查流程,仍没有定位到问题: 1、t_amdb_pradar_link_entranc无数据 2、检查surge-deploy正常 3、检查surge-deploy对外也正常 4、zk正常通过以下命令查看surge任务运行日志 vi /data/surge.out 无任何错误日志 5、探针是最新版本

iengrave commented 2 years ago

检查下mysql t_trace_all表中是否有最新流量数据?如无数据,请先确保流量发出,并且在应用所在机器产生请求日志,常见排查问题日志路径参考: