shunsukesaito / PIFu

This repository contains the code for the paper "PIFu: Pixel-Aligned Implicit Function for High-Resolution Clothed Human Digitization"
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Question about training data. #14

Closed tyluann closed 4 years ago

tyluann commented 4 years ago

Good work! I am trying to reproduce this. May I ask which datasets did you used for training? Are they free and public available? And if so, would you be so kind to share them?

shunsukesaito commented 4 years ago

We used about 500 scans from RenderPeople dataset. Unfortunately they are commercial scans and we are unable to share. Please refer to the appendix of for more detail on training data.

tyluann commented 4 years ago

Alrignt, thanks. BTW I have noticed that there is following work on CVPR2020. Would that paper be publiced online? I would be very interested to read that.

shunsukesaito commented 4 years ago

It will be online in a few days!

shunsukesaito commented 4 years ago

now it's up!

tyluann commented 4 years ago


wangfudong commented 3 years ago

We used about 500 scans from RenderPeople dataset. Unfortunately they are commercial scans and we are unable to share. Please refer to the appendix of for more detail on training data.

En.... If convenient, could you tell me how much do you pay for buying 500 models from RenderPeople? It is too expensive for me.