shunsukesaito / PIFu

This repository contains the code for the paper "PIFu: Pixel-Aligned Implicit Function for High-Resolution Clothed Human Digitization"
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depth and point cloud #19

Closed LogWell closed 4 years ago

LogWell commented 4 years ago

Notice that there are two pieces of code in PIFu/lib/renderer/gl/

get_color(self, color_id=0): ...
get_z_value(self): ...

When I try to recover the point cloud from the depth value, the result shows that there is an error in the depth direction. If I translate the point cloud, it can match the original mesh.

I don't know if there's something wrong with my understanding of the camera model that makes the code incorrect, I hope to get your help, thanks!

out_all_z = rndr.get_z_value()

v = []
for ii in range(512):
    for jj in range(512):
        if out_all_z[ii, jj] != 1.0:
            X = (jj - 256) * cam.ortho_ratio
            Y = (256 - ii) * cam.ortho_ratio
            Z = (1 - out_all_z[ii, jj] * 2) * (cam.far - cam.near) / 2
            P = np.array([X, Y, Z]) / y_scale + vmed
v = np.array(v)
shunsukesaito commented 4 years ago

Sorry for late response. If you are interested in generating point cloud, you can change the following line in lib/renderer/gl/data/prt.vs VertexOut.Position = R * pos; to VertexOut.Position = pos;

Then you can directly obtain point cloud rendered from the input view by get_color(self, color_id=2) You can refer to lib/renderer/gl/data/prt.fs to see what attribute corresponds to which color_id. Hope it helps.

LogWell commented 4 years ago

After change VertexOut.Position = R * pos; to VertexOut.Position = pos; in lib/renderer/gl/data/prt.vs, and insert the following code in apps/,

out_all_z = rndr.get_color(2)

v1, v2 = [], []
for ii in range(512):
    for jj in range(512):
        if out_all_z[ii, jj][3] != 0.0:
            p1 = out_all_z[ii, jj, :3] / y_scale + vmed

            X = (jj - 256) * cam.ortho_ratio
            Y = (256 - ii) * cam.ortho_ratio
            Z = - out_all_z[ii, jj, 3] * 100
            p2 = np.array([X, Y, Z]) / y_scale + vmed

v1 = np.array(v1)
v2 = np.array(v2)

with open('v1.obj', 'w') as fp:
    fp.write(('v {:f} {:f} {:f}\n' * v1.shape[0]).format(*v1.reshape(-1)))
with open('v2.obj', 'w') as fp:
    fp.write(('v {:f} {:f} {:f}\n' * v2.shape[0]).format(*v2.reshape(-1)))

I get the following results: a) is the original input mesh; b) is v1 overlaps on a); c) is the side view, they match perfectly; in d), the green one is v1, the blue point cloud is v2 (there is a little translation between them)

If I use out_all_z = rndr.get_z_value() in the first comment, I got the same result as v2.

I'm a little bit confused about these results, is there anything wrong about on calculation of v2, or the first way to calculate point cloud?

shunsukesaito commented 4 years ago

The output depth should be normalized to [0,1] corresponding to [zNear, zFar] in the original space. As zNear=-100 and zFar=100, your depth renormalization code seems incorrect to me. How about Z = - (out_all_z[ii, jj, 3]-0.5) * 200 ?

LogWell commented 4 years ago

In the first comment: I use out_all_z = rndr.get_z_value() and Z = (1 - out_all_z[ii, jj] * 2) * (cam.far - cam.near) / 2, you can check it.

In the third comment: I use out_all_z = rndr.get_color(2) and Z = - out_all_z[ii, jj, 3] * 100.

As your reply, the first comment was the way you wrote, but there is a little deviation from the input mesh. If I replace the third comment about Z, the result is wrong.

Thanks for quick reply~