shunsukesaito / SCANimate

This repository contains the code for the paper "SCANimate: Weakly Supervised Learning of Skinned Clothed Avatar Networks"
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Questions about data usage. #15

Closed ShenhanQian closed 2 years ago

ShenhanQian commented 2 years ago

Dear authors, thanks for your amazing work. I am trying to follow your method, and have some questions about \data usage:

1) Which subjects in CAPE did you use for the reported metrics? Are they beyond the publically available 20 raw scan sequences of 4 subjects in CAPE?

2) You mentioned in the paper that "the motion sequences are randomly split into training (80%) and test (20%) sets". Do you mean "80% frames" or "80% sequences"? Is it true that at least a part of each sequence is used for training?

Thank you!

JinlongYANG commented 2 years ago
  1. We use all subjects you can find in CAPE dataset. Yes they are beyond the generally available raw scans. Apply through CAPE webpage and see if you can get more raw scans.
  2. The first 80% sequences. The rest 20% seqs are completely left out for testing. The training code of SCANimate is available, you can train on your own data to do comparisons based on your need. Probably you need to change line 108 in the configs/example.yaml file to better suit your data. In general 1000~2000 would be good for sequences in a total of ~100 frames.
ShenhanQian commented 2 years ago

Thanks for your fast response! I will see if more data is accessible.