shunsukesaito / SCANimate

This repository contains the code for the paper "SCANimate: Weakly Supervised Learning of Skinned Clothed Avatar Networks"
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About training colored models (how to preparing colored .ply files) #25

Open green-slime opened 1 year ago

green-slime commented 1 year ago

Hi, thanks for your great work in SCANimate! I'm trying to train colored model following the guidance of issue #12, but I encountered a code error with my own .ply files. The traceback said that: "RuntimeError: einsum() operands do not broadcast with remapped shapes [original->remapped]: [1, 23779, 3]->[1, 1, 3, 23779] [24, 6890]->[1, 24, 1, 6890]" image in which "23779" and "6890" has nothing to do with my own mesh. I'm sure that I've redirected the config file, so I guess my colored mesh has something wrong. I generated it with Meshlab from .obj files, and export as colored-vertex .ply files; its vertex lines looks like this: image could you please told me that whether I prepared my .ply files correct? And how to export the correct .ply files using Meshlab? Thanks again!