shunsukesaito / SCANimate

This repository contains the code for the paper "SCANimate: Weakly Supervised Learning of Skinned Clothed Avatar Networks"
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question: can I train using smplx instead of smpl when training for my own data #3

Closed codesavory closed 3 years ago

codesavory commented 3 years ago

for training you mention that we need 3 things - input scan, SMPL parameters of the scan and a T-pose SMPL mesh. This works for SMPL. You have mentioned extensions to testing with smplx, but do you know what are the things I need to change to train with the SMPLx model? Do I need to change default.yaml and example.yaml?

JinlongYANG commented 3 years ago

We currently don't have a smplx version code and do not have a plan to release a smplx version in the near future. It's a bit complicated to adapt to smplx model; it is something one can not easily do in the config file. One still needs the three things, with the latter two in smplx, for the training. But there's more to do. Apart from downloading a smplx model, you need to adapt the official smplx code to return body joint transformations, so that the input and the output of smplx forward method are the same as the smpl_vitruvian forward method in ./smpl/smpl/ The ./smpl/smpl/***.py are adapted from the official smplx code b.t.w., so you can take them as reference if you want to write a smplx version yourself. Keep in mind that you may also need to consider how to deal with non-body joints, such as face joints and hand joints. For example, the get_posemap function in ./lib/ might need to be adapted so that it ignores the face joints, and uses only body joints to build the pose attention map.

codesavory commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the detailed reply. While I might try to adapt the code for smplx, for the moment I am considering either running the mesh against smpl and getting the smpl body parameters or using one of the transfer models from smplx to smpl available here -

wangwenlonggg commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the detailed reply. While I might try to adapt the code for smplx, for the moment I am considering either running the mesh against smpl and getting the smpl body parameters or using one of the transfer models from smplx to smpl available here -

Hi,bro~ I want to ask you that if you have already finished what you mentioned above. I have the same idea as you, maybe we can contact with each other!