shuozh / resLF

Residual Networks for Light Field Image Super-Resolution
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A problem about the training and testing lists #4

Open Joechann0831 opened 5 years ago

Joechann0831 commented 5 years ago

Dear author, thanks very much for your sharing of the code and the lists of training and testing light fields. However, in the training list, I found "bikes_10, bikes_4, bikes_5, bikes_6", while in the testing list, you said that the testing set contains the sub-set bikes 1-10. I think the training light fields and the testing light fields have some overlap, am I right? Or maybe Bikes is not the sub-dataset from Stanford light field archive?

shuozh commented 5 years ago

Thank you for pointing out the problem! We wrongly put the older version of the training dataset. The related information is updated and please refer to Read Me for further details.