shuppet / raku-api-discord

Raku module for interacting with the Discord API.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Reaction supply sends historical reactions when tapped. #38

Open Altreus opened 4 years ago

Altreus commented 4 years ago

Here's a simple Discord bot. It prints out when somebody adds a reaction to the message.


use API::Discord;

sub MAIN(Str $token) {
    my $discord =$token);

    await $discord.ready;

    my $channel = $discord.get-channel(465122426221756426);
    my $message = await $channel.send-message("React to me");

    react {
        whenever $ -> $r {

And I react to it with 👌

« ♥
» ♥
All guilds ready!
{d => {channel_id => 465122426221756426, emoji => {id => (Any), name => 👌}, guild_id => 269438629775015936, member => {deaf => False, hoisted_role => 269513102712635393, joined_at => 2017-01-13T12:14:04.372000+00:00, mute => False, nick => (Any), premium_since => 2019-12-09T11:16:52.299000+00:00, roles => [269513102712635393 653555662445608969], user => {avatar => 0eabcd875d9a0fce4a194f7c58dec5a3, discriminator => 2319, id => 240882564770955275, username => altreus™}}, message_id => 693517208554569779, user_id => 240882564770955275}, op => 0, s => 4, t => MESSAGE_REACTION_ADD}

Now we have the bot react to the message


And we hear about the bot's reaction in the react, even though it's already happened:

« ♥
» ♥
All guilds ready!
{d => {channel_id => 465122426221756426, emoji => {id => (Any), name => ☺}, guild_id => 269438629775015936, member => {deaf => False, hoisted_role => (Any), joined_at => 2020-03-26T22:27:02.164045+00:00, mute => False, nick => (Any), premium_since => (Any), roles => [692871222450585610], user => {avatar => (Any), bot => True, discriminator => 2915, id => 692861210659389472, username => vurl}}, message_id => 693518655128076299, user_id => 692861210659389472}, op => 0, s => 4, t => MESSAGE_REACTION_ADD}
{d => {channel_id => 465122426221756426, emoji => {id => 675035435302387785, name => eng101}, guild_id => 269438629775015936, member => {deaf => False, hoisted_role => 269513102712635393, joined_at => 2017-01-13T12:14:04.372000+00:00, mute => False, nick => (Any), premium_since => 2019-12-09T11:16:52.299000+00:00, roles => [269513102712635393 653555662445608969], user => {avatar => 0eabcd875d9a0fce4a194f7c58dec5a3, discriminator => 2319, id => 240882564770955275, username => altreusâ„¢}}, message_id => 693518655128076299, user_id => 240882564770955275}, op => 0, s => 5, t => MESSAGE_REACTION_ADD}

We've tried this with sleeps in it and it still returns all historical emoji, even though the supply should be live.

Altreus commented 4 years ago

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