shurcooL / githubv4

Package githubv4 is a client library for accessing GitHub GraphQL API v4 (
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Nodes missing from results #43

Closed brejoc closed 5 years ago

brejoc commented 5 years ago

I'm trying to query issues together with their labels and columns. In order to do that, I've created this query structure:

    var query struct {
        Repository struct {
            Issues struct {
                TotalCount int
                PageInfo   struct {
                    StartCursor githubv4.String
                    EndCursor   githubv4.String
                    HasNextPage bool
                Nodes []struct {
                    CreatedAt    githubv4.DateTime
                    ClosedAt     githubv4.DateTime
                    Title        githubv4.String
                    Url          githubv4.URI
                    ProjectCards struct {
                        Nodes []struct {
                            id     githubv4.ID
                            Column struct {
                                name githubv4.String
                            } `graphql:"column"`
                        } `graphql:"nodes"`
                    } `graphql:"projectCards"`
                    Labels struct {
                        Nodes []struct {
                            Name githubv4.String
                    } `graphql:"labels(first: 100)"`
            } `graphql:"issues(first: 100)"`
        } `graphql:"repository(owner: \"brejoc\", name: \"test\")"`

This repository should return four issues, but githubv4 only returns two of them. While digging through the code I noticed the do() function and printed the query from in.Query. The generated query (when executed in GraphiQL) actually returns the expected four issues. So something seems to happen afterwards.

Here is the query that gets generated:

{repository(owner: "brejoc", name: "test"){issues(first: 100){totalCount,pageInfo{startCursor,endCursor,hasNextPage},nodes{createdAt,closedAt,title,url,projectCards{nodes{id,column{name}}},labels(first: 100){nodes{name}}}}}}

Any hints on where to continue to debug this are very welcome! Thx!

brejoc commented 5 years ago

Oh, I forgot to mention that the results back to four again when removing the Labels ProjectCards struct from the query.

brejoc commented 5 years ago

Sorry, my fault. If I'd actually show error messages, I'd see that githubv4 complains about name and id. Should of course not be lowercase.