shurcooL / githubv4

Package githubv4 is a client library for accessing GitHub GraphQL API v4 (
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How can i make omit empty in grpahql query struct #49

Open parithiban opened 4 years ago

parithiban commented 4 years ago

I have the following struct in which the Topics in the field tag can be optional so I made it as a pointer. Now while try calling the graphql it is resulting in error

type Topic struct {
    Name githubv4.String
type TopicsNode struct {
    Topic Topic

type RepositoryTopics struct {
    Nodes []TopicsNode

type Repository struct {
    Name        githubv4.String
    Description githubv4.String
    Topics      *RepositoryTopics `graphql:"repositoryTopics(first: 20)"`

type Execute struct {
    Repository *Repository `graphql:"repository(owner:$orgName,name: $repositoryName)"`

I tried calling the graphql

    repos := Repository{
        Name: "MY_REPO",

    query := Execute{
        Repository: &repos,

    variables := map[string]interface{}{
        "repositoryName": githubv4.String(RepoName),
        "orgName":        githubv4.String(GithubOrg),

    err := GraphQL.Query(context.Background(), &query, variables)

I am getting the topics field always. How can i make it as optional

I tried two ways

Topics      *RepositoryTopics `graphql:"repositoryTopics(first: 20)" json:",omitempty"`
Topics      *RepositoryTopics `graphql:"repositoryTopics(first: 20) omitempty"`
dmitshur commented 4 years ago

Now while try calling the graphql it is resulting in error

What error do you get? Can you paste it here?

I am getting the topics field always. How can i make it as optional

You'll need to use GraphQL syntax for this, not JSON. GraphQL has a directive called "include":

So you can do something like:

Topics *RepositoryTopics `graphql:"repositoryTopics(first: 20) @include(if: $includeTopics)"`

Then set the includeTopics variable to true or false:

variables := map[string]interface{}{
    "repositoryName": githubv4.String(RepoName),
    "orgName":        githubv4.String(GithubOrg),
    "includeTopics":  githubv4.Boolean(false),

Is that what you're looking to do?

parithiban commented 4 years ago


Thanks for the reply this is what exactly I needed. One query reg @include tag will this include GraphQL resource limitations i.e will it include the node limit & rate limit.

What error do you get? Can you paste it here?

If I change the structure as below. That is changing

type Topic struct {
    Name *githubv4.String
type TopicsNode struct {
    Topic *Topic

type RepositoryTopics struct {
    Nodes *[]TopicsNode

type Repository struct {
    Name        githubv4.String
    Description githubv4.String
    Topics      *RepositoryTopics `graphql:"repositoryTopics(first: 20)"`

type Execute struct {
    Repository *Repository `graphql:"repository(owner:$orgName,name: $repositoryName)"`

And then calling the graphql as above i get the below error

slice doesn't exist in any of 1 places to unmarshal

parithiban commented 4 years ago

I have one more scenario where I need to find the codeowner existence in a repo. According to Github the codeowners can be found in three different locations.. Is there a way can I combine a struct group and assign it to the repository struct

type Blob struct {
    Text string

type CodeOwnerLocation struct {
    Blob Blob `graphql:"... on Blob"`

type GithubCodeOwner struct {
    Blob Blob `graphql:"... on Blob"`

type DocsCodeOwner struct {
    Blob Blob `graphql:"... on Blob"`

type GetCodeOwners struct {
    CodeOwner       CodeOwnerLocation `graphql:"codeowner:object(expression: \"HEAD:CODEOWNERS\")"`
    GithubCodeOwner GithubCodeOwner   `graphql:"object(expression: \"HEAD:.github/CODEOWNERS\")"` 
    DocsCodeOwner   DocsCodeOwner     `graphql:"object(expression: \"HEAD:docs/CODEOWNERS\")"` 

type Repository struct {
    Name        githubv4.String
    Description githubv4.String
    CodeOwners  *GetCodeOwners // This doesn't work
        GithubCodeOwner GithubCodeOwner `graphql:"object(expression: \"HEAD:.github/CODEOWNERS\")"` // This works fine
dmitshur commented 4 years ago

And then calling the graphql as above i get the below error

slice doesn't exist in any of 1 places to unmarshal

Thanks. I'll need a complete runnable snippet that can reproduce this problem to investigate further. Do you mind putting one together?

Is there a way can I combine a struct group and assign it to the repository struct

Yes. Instead of doing:

Name        githubv4.String
Description githubv4.String
CodeOwners  *GetCodeOwners // This doesn't work

You need to do something like:

Name           githubv4.String
Description    githubv4.String
*GetCodeOwners // Embed this struct.


Name            githubv4.String
Description     githubv4.String
CodeOwner       CodeOwnerLocation `graphql:"object(expression: \"HEAD:CODEOWNERS\")"`
GithubCodeOwner CodeOwnerLocation `graphql:"object(expression: \"HEAD:.github/CODEOWNERS\")"` 
DocsCodeOwner   CodeOwnerLocation `graphql:"object(expression: \"HEAD:docs/CODEOWNERS\")"` 

When you do CodeOwners *GetCodeOwners instead of embedding GetCodeOwners, the generated GraphQL query looks like:

    codeOwners {
        docsCodeOwner: object(expression: "HEAD:docs/CODEOWNERS" {
            ... on Blob {
        githubCodeOwner: object(expression: "HEAD:.github/CODEOWNERS" {
            // ...
        // ...

Which isn't valid, because of "codeOwners". Embedding that struct means its contents are directly inserted, which is what you want.

In general, I suggest coming up with the GraphQL query that does what you want first, testing it via GitHub GraphQL API Explorer at, and then converting it to Go code that executes the GraphQL query.

parithiban commented 4 years ago


Is it possible to pass a dynamic variable to a struct tag? In the below struct, I want to pass the TopicsCount variable inside the tag

const TopicsCount = 30

type Repository struct {
    Name        string
    Description string
    IsPrivate   bool
    Topics      RepositoryTopics `graphql:"repositoryTopics(first: 30)"`
Topics      RepositoryTopics `graphql:"repositoryTopics(first: TopicsCount)"

The problem here is that I have the topicsCount variable in the config and need to fetch it from there.

Could you assist me with this?

parithiban commented 4 years ago

I got it. This is mentioned in the documentation of passing the variable.

parithiban commented 4 years ago


Is there a way we can concatenate the graphql tag in the above repository struct

type Repository struct {
    Name        string
    Description string
    IsPrivate   bool
    Readme      GetFileContent   `graphql:"readme:object(expression: \"\")"`
        CodeOwner   CodeOwnerLocation `graphql:"object(expression: \"HEAD:CODEOWNERS\")"`


Here in some cases expression has a head but in some cases, it has some other head sha

Can this be made in a dynamic way

Readme      GetFileContent   `graphql:"readme:object(expression: \"$\")"`

I can do it by

Readme      GetFileContent   `graphql:"readme:object(expression: $headRef)"`

Where my headRef should be ""

I am thinking a way of using it as common so it can be used for CodeOwner field also