shurcooL / githubv4

Package githubv4 is a client library for accessing GitHub GraphQL API v4 (
MIT License
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BodyHTML doesn't exist on type Issue #50

Closed ycjcl868 closed 4 years ago

ycjcl868 commented 4 years ago
var q struct {
  Repository struct {
    Issue struct {
      Number github.Int `json:"id"`
      Title      github.String `json:"title"`
      URL github.URI `json:"url"`
      CreatedAt  github.DateTime `json:"createdAt"`
      BodyHTML github.String `json:"bodyHTML"`
    } `graphql:"issue(number:31)"`
  } `graphql:"repository(owner: \"\", name: \"\")"`

error message: [{%!d(string=Field 'bodyHtml' doesn't exist on type 'Issue') [{1 107}]}]data {{{0 %!d(githubv4.String=) {0} {{0 0 0}} %!d(githubv4.String=)}}}%

but I use can output the result:


dmitshur commented 4 years ago
BodyHTML github.String `json:"bodyHTML"`

You should use "graphql" tag, not "json", to specify the name of the GraphQL field:

BodyHTML github.String `graphql:"bodyHTML"`