Closed Ignorant-lxf closed 4 months ago
Hi,I wanna to invoke an graphql api,but the request body about struct is too long! I need help for how to define struct like thie:
mutation { createShoppingProducts( adId: "12345678", shoppingProducts: [ { id: "P11", title: "New Earpods", description: "Noise cancellation enabled earpods", price: { amount: "111.5", currency: "USD" }, availability: "in stock", condition: "Used", link: "" } ] ) { response { id title price { amount } } errors { id field messages warnings originalValue } } }
Look forward to reply!
@dmitshur @shuheiktgw @david-bain
Can you please share what you have gotten so far along with the error you see? :)
first part is the filter, second part is the query struct, not very complicate i think?
Hi,I wanna to invoke an graphql api,but the request body about struct is too long! I need help for how to define struct like thie:
Look forward to reply!