shurillu / CTBot

A simple (and easy to use) Arduino Telegram BOT Library for ESP8266/ESP32
MIT License
147 stars 34 forks source link

Doesn't connect #75

Closed majeka closed 3 years ago

majeka commented 3 years ago

Hello! The chat bot stopped working. NodeMCU board Previously, everything worked without problems, but two days ago it stopped working. I take any of the examples, for example inlineKeyboard and get 18: 48: 17.638 -> testConnection NOK The address is pinged from the board without problems

19: 01: 55.296 -> Pinging 19: 01: 55.432 -> Reply from bytes = 32 time = 78ms TTL = 52 19: 01: 56.417 -> Reply from bytes = 32 time = 77ms TTL = 52 19: 01: 57.437 -> Reply from bytes = 32 time = 72ms TTL = 52 19: 01: 58.428 -> Reply from bytes = 32 time = 83ms TTL = 52 19: 01: 59.347 -> Ping statistics for 19: 01: 59.347 -> Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0.00% loss), 19: 01: 59.347 -> Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: 19: 01: 59.347 -> Minimum = 72ms, Maximum = 83ms, Average = 77.50ms 19: 01: 59.381 -> Destination host data: 19: 01: 59.381 -> IP address: 19: 01: 59.381 -> DNS name:

I tried all the examples of the library, none of them worked. I changed the bot token, used different bots, it still doesn't work. Please help with the solution.

shurillu commented 3 years ago

Hello Majeka, Thank you for using the library. I'm trying to replicate tour issue. As you said, there is no issue regarding the wifi connectivity between the NodeMCU and the WiFi access point, right? Some questions:

Could you enable the debug console, recompile and post the serial log? You can enable the debug mode by editing the file CTBotDefine.h located in Arduino\libraries\CTBot\src (Windows platform) and editing the line

// enable debugmode -> print debug data on the Serial; Zero -> debug disabled


// enable debugmode -> print debug data on the Serial; Zero -> debug disabled
#define CTBOT_DEBUG_MODE                 CTBOT_DEBUG_ALL



majeka commented 3 years ago

Hello! Yes, the connection to the Wi-Fi is carried out, responds without problems. The library version is installed 2.1.4. Installed v3.0.0, no changes. ArduinoJson version 6.17.2 NodeMCU board with ESP8266 module Magazine on library version 3.0.0 further:

12:51:14.173 -> --->connect: Connecting to maj1................. 12:51:24.539 -> --->connect: WiFi connected 12:51:24.539 -> --->connect: IP address: 12:51:24.743 -> --->connect: Unable to connect to Telegram server 12:51:24.743 -> --->sendCommand: Header 12:51:24.777 -> POST /bot551507423:AAFhlLqfg2o52KbUGGaOTqo-uX0SDwto6IU/getMe HTTP/1.1 12:51:24.777 -> Host: 12:51:24.777 -> Content-Length: 5 12:51:24.777 -> Content-Type: application/json 12:51:24.777 -> 12:51:24.777 -> 12:51:24.777 -> --->sendCommand: Payload 12:51:24.777 -> null 12:51:24.777 -> 12:51:24.777 -> testConnection NOK 12:51:24.948 -> --->connect: Unable to connect to Telegram server 12:51:24.948 -> --->sendCommand: Header 12:51:24.948 -> POST /bot551507423:AAFhlLqfg2o52KbUGGaOTqo-uX0SDwto6IU/getUpdates HTTP/1.1 12:51:24.948 -> Host: 12:51:24.948 -> Content-Length: 76 12:51:24.948 -> Content-Type: application/json 12:51:24.948 -> 12:51:24.948 -> 12:51:24.948 -> --->sendCommand: Payload 12:51:24.948 -> {"limit":1,"allowed_updates":"[\"message\",\"callback_query\"]","offset":0} 12:51:28.654 -> --->connect: Unable to connect to Telegram server 12:51:28.654 -> --->sendCommand: Header 12:51:28.654 -> POST /bot551507423:AAFhlLqfg2o52KbUGGaOTqo-uX0SDwto6IU/getUpdates HTTP/1.1 12:51:28.654 -> Host: 12:51:28.688 -> Content-Length: 76 12:51:28.688 -> Content-Type: application/json

shurillu commented 3 years ago

Hello, from the log, the problem is located in the CTBotSecureConnection::connect() method. The message "--->connect: Unable to connect to Telegram server" is printed out when something go wrong when the ESP8266 try to establish a connection to the telegram server. Try to:

BTW, which is the ESP8266 toolchain version? The last from Espressif is the 2.7.4



majeka commented 3 years ago

Hey! The connection is by ip, for this I wrote the designation in the output. 10:53:17.835 -> --->connect: Unable to connect to Telegram server for IP I tried 3 different access points, 2 of them are mobile Internet with different operators. Clearing memory before uploading the sketch helped nothing. Espressif version is the 2.7.4

What other tips can there be to fix this error?

10:53:09.274 -> --->connect: Connecting to majeka1............. 10:53:17.631 -> --->connect: WiFi connected 10:53:17.631 -> --->connect: IP address: 10:53:17.835 -> --->connect: Unable to connect to Telegram server for IP 10:53:17.835 -> --->sendCommand: Header 10:53:17.835 -> POST /bot570620331:AAG3vk8lhM_joW5M5bdAzBXrmRT01Oexp2o/getMe HTTP/1.1 10:53:17.835 -> Host: 10:53:17.835 -> Content-Length: 5 10:53:17.835 -> Content-Type: application/json 10:53:17.835 -> 10:53:17.835 -> 10:53:17.835 -> --->sendCommand: Payload 10:53:17.835 -> null 10:53:17.835 -> 10:53:17.835 -> testConnection NOK 10:53:18.005 -> --->connect: Unable to connect to Telegram server for IP 10:53:18.005 -> --->sendCommand: Header 10:53:18.005 -> POST /bot570620331:AAG3vk8lhM_joW5M5bdAzBXrmRT01Oexp2o/getUpdates HTTP/1.1 10:53:18.005 -> Host: 10:53:18.005 -> Content-Length: 76 10:53:18.005 -> Content-Type: application/json 10:53:18.005 -> 10:53:18.005 -> 10:53:18.005 -> --->sendCommand: Payload 10:53:18.039 -> {"limit":1,"allowed_updates":"[\"message\",\"callback_query\"]","offset":0} 10:53:21.706 -> --->connect: Unable to connect to Telegram server for IP 10:53:21.706 -> --->sendCommand: Header 10:53:21.740 -> POST /bot570620331:AAG3vk8lhM_joW5M5bdAzBXrmRT01Oexp2o/getUpdates HTTP/1.1 10:53:21.740 -> Host: 10:53:21.740 -> Content-Length: 76 10:53:21.740 -> Content-Type: application/json

majeka commented 3 years ago

I found out what the problem is, in Espressif version 2.7.4 Installed version 2.7.3 and everything started working. I do not know what was changed there, but it does not work for me on the latest version. Does everything work correctly for you on 2.7.4?

shurillu commented 3 years ago

That's very weird! I'm using the 2.7.4 without any issue. Maybe could you do another test please? Remove the Esp8266 library, do a fresh install of the 2.7.4 version and try to recompile the sketch.

Thank you for your feedback!

Cheers, Stefano

Edit: I did this procedure:

  1. launch Arduino IDE
  2. delete the installed ESP8266 toolchain
  3. quit from Arduino IDE
  4. reload Arduino IDE
  5. fresh install of the ESP8266 2.7.4 toolchian
  6. recompile the example with full erase of the ESP8266 flash

and still works.

majeka commented 3 years ago

After a fresh installation of version 2.7.4, everything works correctly as on 2.7.3 Very strange...

shurillu commented 3 years ago

Glad to hear that! Maybe something in the previous installation was corrupted or not updated correctly. BTW now all works correctly, thanks for the feedback! Could we close this issue?

Cheers, Stefano

majeka commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much for your support and help in solving my problem, as well as for such a library. It works great.