shurillu / CTBot

A simple (and easy to use) Arduino Telegram BOT Library for ESP8266/ESP32
MIT License
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CTBotSecureConnection::connect() not working #78

Closed MicDG closed 3 years ago

MicDG commented 3 years ago


after updating the Espressif 32 platform on Platformio to v3.1.0 this method doesn't work anymore. This happens because these lines have been added to ssl_client.cpp in the start_ssl_client(...) method:

if (rootCABuff == NULL && pskIdent == NULL && psKey == NULL && !insecure) {
        return -1;

So, since right now there is no rootCA set (nor PSK, but I don't think Telegram supports it), this check fails and the WiFiClientSecure::connect(const char *host, uint16_t port) method fails consequently, bringing therefore any connection we attempt to an halt.

From what I gathered we could both use an insecure connection by adding m_telegramServer.setInsecure(); to CTBotSecureConnection::CTBotSecureConnection() (thus getting the behaviour we had pre-update), otherwise adding a rootCA should be considered for proper, secure connection.

shurillu commented 3 years ago

Hello MicDG, thank you for your feedback! I'll make a fix for this issue this evening (or ASAP).


shurillu commented 3 years ago

Hello MicDG, I've just uploaded a new version in the master branch (v2.1.5) and an update for the v.3.0.0 branch that fix the issue: now the library support the SSL Certificate verification for the ESP32 SOC. So please could you check it and give me a feedback?

Cheers, Stefano

MicDG commented 3 years ago

Ciao Stefano, Sorry for being late but I'm quite busy these days, I tried (v3.0.0) but I get this error:

13:56:19.133 > [V][ssl_client.cpp:59] start_ssl_client(): Free internal heap before TLS 219656
13:56:19.140 > [V][ssl_client.cpp:65] start_ssl_client(): Starting socket
13:56:19.171 > [V][ssl_client.cpp:104] start_ssl_client(): Seeding the random number generator
13:56:19.178 > [V][ssl_client.cpp:113] start_ssl_client(): Setting up the SSL/TLS structure...
13:56:19.185 > [V][ssl_client.cpp:129] start_ssl_client(): Loading CA cert
13:56:19.191 > [V][ssl_client.cpp:197] start_ssl_client(): Setting hostname for TLS session...
13:56:19.199 > [V][ssl_client.cpp:212] start_ssl_client(): Performing the SSL/TLS handshake...
13:56:19.290 > [E][ssl_client.cpp:36] _handle_error(): [start_ssl_client():216]: (-9984) X509 - Certificate verification failed, e.g. CRL, CA or signature check failed
13:56:19.304 > [E][WiFiClientSecure.cpp:127] connect(): start_ssl_client: -9984
13:56:19.310 > [V][ssl_client.cpp:265] stop_ssl_socket(): Cleaning SSL connection.

So i guess something's wrong in the certificate formatting. I think uploading the .pem file directly in SPIFFS and load it with a helper function instead of hard-coding could help, maybe, and also make it easier to mantain in case something needs to be changed. I wanted to try this myself but, as I said, I'm a bit constrained lately. If I find some time to spare, however, I'll gladly get my hands dirty.

Thank you, Michele

shurillu commented 3 years ago

Hi Michele, weird behavior! Anyway, you can find the certificate in the CTBotSecureConnection.h file and the procedure that I used to get it. I tried to recompile & upload and the library still works... I have to investigate!

BTW I have already added the possibility to skip the certificate check by setting CTBOT_USE_FINGERPRINT to zero in theCTBotDefines.h

Cheers, Stefano

MicDG commented 3 years ago

Found the error...duh... it was before my eyes all this time but I didn't notice it until just now! In line 45 of CTBotSecureConnection.cpp (v3.0.0, I didn't test v2.1.5):

m_useDNS = false;

should be actually set to true or the common name in the certificate ( won't match the domain name we're trying to connect to (which is actually an IP) and the verification will fail.

So that's it, just need to change one line.


shurillu commented 3 years ago

Hi Michele! Thank you for your feedback! As you pointed out the useDNS setting, I noticed that at the beginning of my test sketch there is a useDNS(true)! For that reason I didn't realize why you can't pass the certificate check! I modified both library with m_useDNS= true as default and I added a check in the useDNS method in order to block it when compiling for ESP32 and CTBOT_USE_FINGERPRINT == 1.

Again, thank you! Cheers
