shurillu / CTBot

A simple (and easy to use) Arduino Telegram BOT Library for ESP8266/ESP32
MIT License
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testConnection NOK, 1 year ago it worked fine #84

Open konig87nikkinakki opened 3 years ago

konig87nikkinakki commented 3 years ago

Good evening, thank you for your library, i used 1 year ago and it worked fine. i did not upgraded any Library or Arduino IDE. This is my situation: Arduino IDE v1.8.12 (1 year ago i was using 1.8.6) ESP8266 V2.6.3 json library by Benoit Blanchon 5.13.3 CTBot by Stefano Ledda V1.3.0 (i know it's old but it worked fine). my SSID and PASSWORD are the same. My Telegram Bot is the same and i created a new one, afraid it was dead due to not log in for long time. My old sketch doesnt work anymore, it tell me "testConnection NOK". So i said "let's return to begin with easy", and i tried this script, that's your, from library, i only put 1 string to obtain IP address: `/ Name: lightBot.ino Created: 17/01/2018 Author: Stefano Ledda Description: a simple example that do: 1) parse incoming messages 2) if "LIGHT ON" message is received, turn on the onboard LED 3) if "LIGHT OFF" message is received, turn off the onboard LED 4) otherwise, reply to sender with a welcome message nome bot: andradaacqua username bot: andradaacqua_bot /

include "CTBot.h"


CTBot myBot;

String ssid = "Telecom-23382221"; // REPLACE mySSID WITH YOUR WIFI SSID String pass = MY_PASSWORD"; // REPLACE myPassword YOUR WIFI PASSWORD, IF ANY String token = "1739586950:AAHU_R-dSw2RpYlJPFaRhO2a3U4l6lO_XXX"; // REPLACE myToken WITH YOUR TELEGRAM BOT TOKEN uint8_t led = BUILTIN_LED; // the onboard ESP8266 LED.
// If you have a NodeMCU you can use the BUILTIN_LED pin // (replace 2 with BUILTIN_LED)

void setup() { // initialize the Serial Serial.begin(9600); //eraa 115200 delay(1000); Serial.println("Starting TelegramBot...");

// connect the ESP8266 to the desired access point
myBot.wifiConnect(ssid, pass);

// set the telegram bot token

// check if all things are ok
if (myBot.testConnection())
    Serial.println("\ntestConnection OK");

{ Serial.println("\ntestConnection NOK"); Serial.println(WiFi.localIP());

// set the pin connected to the LED to act as output pin
pinMode(led, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(led, HIGH); // turn off the led (inverted logic!)


void loop() { // a variable to store telegram message data TBMessage msg;

// if there is an incoming message...
if (myBot.getNewMessage(msg)) {

    if (msg.text.equalsIgnoreCase("LIGHT ON")) {              // if the received message is "LIGHT ON"...
        digitalWrite(led, LOW);                               // turn on the LED (inverted logic!)
        myBot.sendMessage(, "Light is now ON");  // notify the sender
    else if (msg.text.equalsIgnoreCase("LIGHT OFF")) {        // if the received message is "LIGHT OFF"...
        digitalWrite(led, HIGH);                              // turn off the led (inverted logic!)
        myBot.sendMessage(, "Light is now OFF"); // notify the sender
    else {                                                    // otherwise...
        // generate the message for the sender
        String reply;
        reply = (String)"Welcome " + msg.sender.username + (String)". Try LIGHT ON or LIGHT OFF.";
        myBot.sendMessage(, reply);             // and send it
// wait 500 milliseconds


and this tell me "TestConnection NOK", thank to my string i can read ip that is, i can PING it with my PC and it answer, so it's connect to my router of course, i m sure. If i try to send commands "LIGHT ON" it doesnt work.i tried with other words (afraid of Capital, spaces..) but this still doesnt work. I know i have old library but before to upgrade i d like to know if i can fix problem, or if my JSON LIBRARY is not compatible with your library: this could be strange because 1 year ago this exactly same configuration did work. I m using a "new node mcu v3", 15 x2 pins, ESP8266MOD, black silicon board. Any help please...... could be ARDUINO IDE different version problem? i dont think so

shurillu commented 3 years ago

Hello, konig87nikkinakki, thanks for using the library. I know that if something works, you should leave it as is, but CTBot v 1.3.0 is very, very old heheheh For example, take a look here:

A lot of things has happened so my suggestion is: update! You can update to the 2.1.5 (with Arduino IDE library updater) or use the new version 3.0.0 that you can find it in the v3.0.0 branch (I have to publish it!)

All member functions should be compatibles with the old versions, so just donwload the new version and compile it. If you don't have any restrictions about the ArduinoJson from B. Blanchon version, you can update his library too. There is an issue with the new ESP8266 toolchain that I have to fix, so keep with the 2.7.4

Let me know if you solve the issue!



mad-b commented 3 years ago

Yesterday I noted the same behavior on my esp8266, it connects on wifi but testConnection always fails. This was working up to about a week ago

shurillu commented 3 years ago

Mmmm I'm trying to replicate the issue without luck (in other words: it simply works). Actually I'm using:


P.S.: in CTBotDefines.h try to enable all logs by editing the define


konig87nikkinakki commented 3 years ago

Hi Shurillu thank you for fast reply. i installed your last library, but keep others old: Arduino IDE v1.8.12 ESP8266 V2.6.3 json library by Benoit Blanchon 5.13.3

AND THIS IS WORKING NOW! so maybe it was the old library: for sure telegram changed something in Bot and you updated it in newer library. i read some old issues, you wrote about a new ip from Telegram server: am i right? if you like, if IP changes, we can write it into a DynDNS Professional Account and put dyndns link into the library, so if IP changes again we can modify and update it from dyndns and make it back to work. Tell me...

konig87nikkinakki commented 3 years ago

hmm.. sorry... again. i didnt touched sketch during this day. yesterday night it worked with new library as i told you but today again error "testConnection NOK". Bot is the same of course. i created another one just to test but it's not the problem. i'm using as i said a nodemcu v3 , 30pin (15+15), black silicon. do you think it's a nodemcu problem? i really don't think so, maybe i should: 1) buy a better ESP32 instead of nodemcu 2) upgrade json library 3) update ESP8266 arduino core, i m using 2.6.3 i see there is v3.0.0 Tell me what do you think about, i would not upgrade because i m afraid of errors if i need to downgrade to old in future. why yesterday did it worked and not today? what do you think about? shall i burn this nodemcu into a fireplace? :-D

shurillu commented 3 years ago

Hello konig87nikkinakki, my advice is: try to enable all debug console messages. To do it, find the file CTBotDefines.h, open it and modify


in this way


Recompile and upload the sketch, open the serial monitor and take a look to the messages. If you got errors, please put here all the log messages.

VERY IMPORTANT: take care when you update the ESP8266 Arduino core, because the v3.0.0 is NOT compatible with the library (I have to do some tweaks). The last confirmed ESP8266 Arduino core version is v2.7.4

Please, let me know!



GhaniyKie commented 3 years ago

Hello @shurillu. I got the same issue from yesterday. From your advice, I got this information in my Serial Monitor

ESP8266 with https verification Unable to connect to Telegram server getNewMessage error: ArduinoJson deserialization error code: EmptyInput

I use PlatformIO with CTBot Ver. 2.1.4 and ArduinoJson Ver. 6.18.0

seikobu commented 3 years ago

Same issue here. All my devices went silent yesterday after the last message at 15:18 UTC

I'll try to switch to 3.0.0

cpalf commented 3 years ago

Hello. Same issue starting from yesterday: unable to connect to server. Maybe they changed ip? ESP8266, CTBot ver. 3.0.0, ArduinoJson ver. 6.18.0, core 2.7.4

konig87nikkinakki commented 3 years ago

if it's a ip problem, maybe it's time to chain to a dyndns pro account ;-) but everytime it fails we have to upgrade it manually s boring

shurillu commented 3 years ago

Ok I should have found the problem (or I guess so!)

Inside the library, it is possible to use the symbolic name or the IP of the Telegram Server used for handling bots. All connection to this server must be done by HTTPS protocol and ther are some checks that the library "should" do. With the ESP8266 these checks are done by using the Telegram Server fingerprint. It seems that now if we using the Telegram Server IP to make connections, the fingerprint verification fails and it is impossible to establish a connection to the telegram server. There are two possibilities:


(set it to zero).

This should solve the issue, let me know!



seikobu commented 3 years ago

incredible work, stefano! I'll try that after work, expect my feedback in around 3h

konig87nikkinakki commented 3 years ago

Hello. Same issue starting from yesterday: unable to connect to server. Maybe they changed ip? ESP8266, CTBot ver. 3.0.0, ArduinoJson ver. 6.18.0, core 2.7.4

Stefano wrote "v3.0.0 is NOT compatible with the library" but it's not your first problem: i have older and the same problem. it's sad, because this is a very goood and flexible Library! the best for telegram bot i ve always seen! Stefano if you need any help we can do, we will. this evening i ll read error and write you details. i just seen you answered right now! :-D We're typing in the same moment. i will try this evening after i finish to be slave at work.

albertoalonso1 commented 3 years ago

I have this same issue since yesterday (monday morning) with 3 devices, each one with its own token. it happened at the same time for the 3 of them. Good that I found this info. I am gooing to test w v3 of the library and see how it goes.

seikobu commented 3 years ago

Ok I should have found the problem (or I guess so!)

Inside the library, it is possible to use the symbolic name or the IP of the Telegram Server used for handling bots. All connection to this server must be done by HTTPS protocol and ther are some checks that the library "should" do. With the ESP8266 these checks are done by using the Telegram Server fingerprint. It seems that now if we using the Telegram Server IP to make connections, the fingerprint verification fails and it is impossible to establish a connection to the telegram server. There are two possibilities:

  • using the useDNS(true) member function in order to use the Telegram Server symbolic name
  • disabling the fingerprint verification by modifing the following row in the file CTBotDefines.h


(set it to zero).

This should solve the issue, let me know!



unlucky so far. Tried both methods, also in combination ^^'

Using Arduino 1.8.13 ArduinoJson 6.17.3 CTBot 2.1.5

A short test with 3.0.0 didn't compile, but I try to adapt my code to it tomorrow.

konig87nikkinakki commented 3 years ago

Hey my problem (see title of this issue) seems to be solved, see solution at issue #85 it works for me, hope for tomorrow. here is my personal situation: 1) Arduino ver 1.8.12 2) libreria CTbot ver 2.1.5 3) JSON LIBRARY by Benoit Blanchon ver 6.18.0 4) core di ESP8266 (programmatore) ver 2.6.3 💯

mhilmanmaulana commented 3 years ago

Hey my problem (see title of this issue) seems to be solved, see solution at issue #85 it works for me, hope for tomorrow. here is my personal situation:

  1. Arduino ver 1.8.12
  2. libreria CTbot ver 2.1.5
  3. JSON LIBRARY by Benoit Blanchon ver 6.18.0
  4. core di ESP8266 (programmatore) ver 2.6.3 💯

Could you drop the syntax so I can try it? Thanks @konig87nikkinakki

shurillu commented 3 years ago

Following the #85 issue, it is ready to download a quick fix for the V3.0.0 branch. This evening I'll do the same for the old v2.x.x


mhilmanmaulana commented 3 years ago

Following the #85 issue, it is ready to download a quick fix for the V3.0.0 branch. This evening I'll do the same for the old v2.x.x


thank you, hope everything is gonna be okay.

albertoalonso1 commented 3 years ago

Ok, I did what you said and same result "Bot nor connected". by the way, a device I made with this Library, 2 years ago, is having the same problem. Greetings, Al. Libre de virus. <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

El mié, 23 jun 2021 a las 4:46, mhilmanmaulana @.***>) escribió:

Following the #85 issue, it is ready to download a quick fix for the V3.0.0 branch. This evening I'll do the same for the old v2.x.x


thank you, hope everything is gonna be okay.

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shurillu commented 3 years ago

I published a new release (2.1.6) with the changes suggested in the #85 issue and some others minor bugs


albertoalonso1 commented 3 years ago

If it helps you, this morning I try a sketch with the Brian Lough Library and I think the same thing happens. Al. Libre de virus. <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

El mié, 23 jun 2021 a las 12:49, Stefano Ledda @.***>) escribió:

I published a new release (2.1.6) with the changes suggested in the #85 issue.


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mhilmanmaulana commented 3 years ago

I published a new release (2.1.6) with the changes suggested in the #85 issue and some others minor bugs


Thank you so much.

albertoalonso1 commented 3 years ago

Ok, Problem Solved. I change to release 2.1.6 and connection is OK, Thanks for your help and contact. Al. Libre de virus. <#DAB4FAD8-2DD7-40BB-A1B8-4E2AA1F9FDF2>

El mié, 23 jun 2021 a las 21:42, mhilmanmaulana @.***>) escribió:

I published a new release (2.1.6) with the changes suggested in the #85 issue and some others minor bugs


Thank you so much.

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shurillu commented 3 years ago

Thank you Alberto for your feedback!

I'll wait a week and if there are no other problems, I'll close this issue.


mad-b commented 3 years ago

Yes, 2.1.6 and the thing got back to life. Thanks for the fix, Stefano. Att. Lissandro