shusaura85 / fancourier-api

PHP library to work with the new Fan Courier API v2.0 ( /
MIT License
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[fix] Pudo Object id intval conversion dropped #10

Closed daika7ana closed 6 months ago

daika7ana commented 6 months ago

Dropped the casting of the Objects\Pudo id to int.

FAN Api change has the following returned ids:

The intval() made them all return 0, therefore the ->getId() was always returning 0 because of the wrongful mapping.

shusaura85 commented 6 months ago

Am pus manual corectarile din cauza numarului mare de linii modificate doar pt indentare.

O sa corectez indentarea peste tot cand incep upgrade-ul la strict types

daika7ana commented 6 months ago

Understandable. Din pacate am linting/formatting on save, dar apreciez enorm <3

shusaura85 commented 6 months ago

Si eu apreciez mult aceste PR-uri. O buna parte din cod a fost facuta seara tarziu dupa ce ma intorceam de la munca, de-aia nici nu mi-am facut griji in privinta formatarii, mai ales ca-mi bateam capul cu documentatia jalnica de la fan.